Friday, March 15, 2013

Commenting Prompts

When you comment on your peers' stories, I would like you to answer these questions.

Overall, what is the best quality/characteristic of this story? It could be its characters, the conflict, the resolution, the description of the setting, the story arc, use of dialogue, etc. Use specific details and references to the story (quotes from the story/textual evidence) to fully explain yourself.

What is the story's theme? What details does the author include throughout that leads to the fully expressed theme in the end? (Give examples of how you see the theme in the beginning, middle and end of the story; if you don't, comment that you don't see examples in a section)

What is your personal reaction to the story? How do you feel after reading it? What do you remember? What images do you see? What did you learn about the situation/place/conflict? (You don't have to answer all of these, just write a paragraph of reflection/reaction to the story)

What was your favorite part of the story? Pick a line that you liked, put it into the comment box, put quotes around it, and explain what it was about it that stood out to you.

If the author were to make this better, they could... (finish this statement with as much specific detail as possible)

Each of your answers should be a paragraph or so in length (this means you will be writing five answers/ five paragraphs).  You need to use proper spelling and grammar when writing your answers/critiques of your classmates' writing.  You will be picking one story to comment on and you will be randomly assigned another (this means you will write full comments on two different people's stories).  Make sure your comments, even if they are more critical, are phrased in a positive manner.  Be as specific as possible in your comments, both for your commenting grade and for the benefit of the author.

You need to have your comments done by Friday, before class begins.

content adapted from

Who are you commenting on??

Here is the list of whose story you will be commenting on.  Please make sure that you read the details of how to comment closely.  These directions will be on the next post.

The first name listed will be yours, the second will be the person's story you are reading and commenting on:

Majel -- Dani
Dani -- Megan
Megan -- Cassie
Cassie -- Hannah
Hannah -- Brett
Brett -- Brie J
Brie J -- Sam K
Sam K -- Majel
Gauge -- Adam
Adam -- Andy
Andy -- Chase
Chase -- Brie C
Brie C -- Amber Peterson
Amber Peterson -- Anna
Anna -- Sam M
Sam M -- Gauge
Lindsy -- Mitch
Mitch -- Patience
Patience -- Amelie
Amelie -- Amanda
Amanda -- Lindsy

If your name isn't listed, that's because as of Friday, you hadn't posted your story on your blog - or I don't have your blog address.  There are two ways to fix this: 1)Send me your blog address 2)Post your story.  If these things are done by Monday, you will be able to post comments on time (which will be good for your grade)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Romeo and Juliet

If you are in need of the Romeo and Juliet text, go to this site:

From there you can navigate to all acts and scenes to read what you missed if you weren't in class.  For those of you gone for choir, we are planning on reading Act 2, Scenes 3 and 4 while you are gone.  Make sure to fill out the day chart as you go!