Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday, Sept. 30 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Verb Tense
}Comma Reminders
}Workshop Time
Revising  and Editing to next draft
Yellow= Something in Editing Section (Dialogue, fragment, verb tense), Comma Issues –from sheet
Pink= Fluency, Sentence Structure (general), Other Basic Convention Issues
Six Errors Highlighted: if you want me to keep going, ask me if I have a chance to continue reading for editing issues in Turnitin
If your paper is ‘done’ in your mind, print it out, read it out loud quietly to self (check for fluency) and/or self-edit, etc.
Work on: revise/edit/peer edit, work on draft, etc
}Intro to International Human Experience Research
}Research Time
Today I need to see:
Topic written out in sentence/question form (what guides your research) What is it like to be        in    dealing with   ?
 By Monday: Research Document started (question on document)

At least 7 key terms/words/phrases you will use for researching
At least 3 potential sources

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thursday, Sept. 28 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Dependent Clauses/Fragments
}Sniper TIQA
Write a TIQA paragraph where you explain what the theme is and the textual evidence that builds that theme. –due after 20 minutes
}Writer’s Workshop
What my comments mean
Dialogue (natural), Show don’t Tell/more showing, development of aspects of a short story (exposition, rising actions, climax, falling actions, resolution), character details (backstory)
First Draft Evaluation: Exemplary, Accomplished, Promising, Developing, Beginning
Meet with me (if your draft has comments on it, you have written how it demonstrates the human experience, and you have done what the white board says)
Revise from first draft to second if you have Comments from me and have figured out where to start with those comments (or second to third if you self-revise a bit more)
Revising: working to make the ideas of your story stronger, adding more showing/details, removing parts that don’t work, adding more character detail, move ideas and sentences around, substitute words (stronger descriptions, details, etc)
}Editing Draft due 8pm tonight
}Re-Title your draft: Name Editing Draft
}Final Draft due THURSDAY: we’ll have some workshop time tomorrow and next week
}Human Experience Form –click to it from blogging blog
Human Experience: how does your story show the human experience? Be specific as to how.
Is your story’s human experience and the details in general of your story (the characters, the plot, etc.) an American experience or an international experience/ universal? What makes you say this? Are there aspects that are primarily American? Are there aspects that apply to all humans?

}Read your book if you have time left

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wednesday, Sept. 27 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Dialogue format mini-lesson (editing section)
}Writer’s Workshop Time
Work Time Choices:
Finish first draft, upload to Turnitin
Answer: How does your story demonstrate/reflect the human experience? What aspects? In what way?
}Universal Theme and Symbolism
}“The Sniper”
What is the theme of this story? While reading, close read the story for details that show theme. 

}SSR Letter due Friday

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesday, Sept. 26 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: New Seats
}Writing your own Short Story
}Your short story: story map/plot chart outline
Get it checked before beginning First Draft –bring it to me as soon as you are done
Story map/Plot chart due, at the latest, beginning of class tomorrow
}**Drafting Time –Share document with me NOW, first draft submitted to Turnitin by 9AM Thursday, {typed, double spaced}, Second draft due ?
}You must share your draft with me on Google Docs
I will be checking in on your progress throughout class
}If you do need a break, read your book rather than cause a distraction (also, don’t go to sites other than those being used for music or research for your story)
}Definition of Theme–notes in Short Story terms area of Reader’s Notebook
Post your group’s info to Schoology
Once you’ve posted, read your book/work on your map/story while you wait for other groups

}If you do need a break, read your book rather than cause a distraction (also, don’t go to sites other than those being used for music or research for your story)

Monday, September 25, 2017

Monday, Sept. 25 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: PoV, Setting, Mood review; Mood words handout
}Cask of Amontillado” pg 344
While reading, take notes in reader’s notebook of details that identify and describe setting and mood (sensory details, repetition, descriptions)
**Question based on active reading: “What is the mood and what 2-3 details of setting most help establish that mood?”
**Question 8: Consider whether Montresor is a reliable or unreliable narrator. Is the reader to believe, as Montresor does, that his revenge is justified? Is Montresor more sane or crazy? Give details from the story to support your opinion.
Read “Behind the Cask” pg 352
Question 10: Poe often drew inspiration for his tales of horror from the real world.  Compare the details of “The Story Behind ‘The Cask of Amontillado’” with the story of Montresor and Fortunato. How similar are these accounts? Be specific and detailed in your explanation.

}SSR letter due Friday

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Thursday, Sept. 21 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Character Writing Illustration
}Illustration Discussion and Self-Evaluation
Rate your ‘showing’ on a scale of 1-10 (10 being best).  Did you give enough detail in your writing to assist your reader in seeing exactly what you wanted them to see?  Explain after your numerical rating what you did well with and what could be improved
3 hole punch the illustration and put both that and your description in the WN section
}Take out your writer’s notebook: Human Experience TIQA (details on next slide)
}In writer’s notebook: How have the two stories we’ve read so far shown the human experience? USE TEXTUAL EVIDENCE TO ANSWER QUESTION (TIQA paragraph[s])
“Sound of Thunder” p 34 and “Pancakes” p 194
}Human Experience: What it is like to be a specific person at a specific time in a specific place.
The details and specifics that go into the overall experience of being a human
Emotions, events, beliefs, behaviors, thoughts, etc.
}Step One: Brainstorm and choose point/idea
}Step Two: One paragraph or Two
}Step Three: Find Textual Evidence
}Step Four: Write the TIQA paragraphs 
}Turn in Human Experience Paragraph to folder in green crate and work on defining and writing about revenge

}Collect AoW Reflection

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wednesday, Sept. 20 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Finish TIQA, check mine on board, read if finished
}Precise adjectives- word choice
Show Don’t Tell –notes in the craft lesson section
Share Show don’t Tell writing with partner
}Show Don’t Tell: Character Traits in Writer’s Notebook: 25 minutes of writing time (if you finish your character showing writing before we move on, read/write your reflection)
}In Glossary section: point of view (pg 186), Setting, and Mood (pg 302 and 304 in Lit Book)
What are the types of Point of View (3)? What are the specifics of each?
What is setting?
How does setting influence: characters, conflicts and symbolism?
What is mood?

}Discuss and take notes in Writer’s Notebook: Is revenge ever justified? Is revenge necessary at times to right a wrong? Can acts of revenge resolve conflicts? If you think no, write why people still commit acts of revenge.  If you think yes, explain how or why.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tuesday, Sept. 19 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: ACT Prep/Editing Section (slide 1)
}AoW Discussion and Reflection How-To
Reflection due Thursday
3 paragraphs
Use bullets on the bottom of the article as prompts if needed
}TIQA Notes
}Dynamic Character: go to the end of “Pancakes,” question 5

}Don’t make a new chart, refer to the chart made while reading.  Write a TIQA paragraph to show that Jill either is or is not a dynamic character based on the traits you wrote while reading. Make sure you have a piece of textual evidence to support your claim (the Q portion of TIQA). We'll have 10 minutes on Wednesday to finish the paragraph.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Monday, Sept. 18 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Open to Reader’s Notebook section: How to: AoW -What it is and how to do a close read and annotations (definition in RN)
Close Read due Tuesday
}Character definitions check
}Take out a blank sheet of paper from the Reader’s Notebook section and grab a literature book (turn to page 194)
}“Pancakes” in Lit book: story #2 focus: Character Development
T-chart on character traits and what we infer from them
While reading, notes in Reader’s Notebook (traits and inferences)
Question 3  and “what is the climax?” (keep the sheet of paper when you are done)
If you finish before we move on, read your choice book/work on your close read

}TIQA Notes –handed out

Friday, September 15, 2017

Friday, Sept. 15 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots 
}In Reader’s Notebook/Class Notes section:
Character Traits and Character Motivation: Definitions and details from pgs 188 and 190
Definition of Dynamic Character from maroon glossary
}New Endings:
Read through, answer three questions at the end of their story
1) What was your favorite phrase/sentence/image? Why?
2) What could they have done to make their writing stronger?
3) What was the biggest similarity OR difference between their story and yours?
Hand it back to them and then read your own book
}Setting up Schoology and Discussion Access Code: 95MXX-965MK
With person next to you, discuss the perfectionism WN entry: come up with at least two solid pros and two cons, post these on Schoology
Then, talk through definitions you have (and details) for Character Traits, Character Motivation, and Dynamic Character
}Set up Turnitin (Feedback Studio)

Class ID: 16241571  Enrollment key: Eng9Fall17

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday, Sept. 13 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Go to your Editing Section (independent clauses)
}Collect SSR Letter, Last few poems presented
}Discuss with your neighbor your ideas about “Sound of Thunder” esp. the end: What could the end mean? (safety off, sound of thunder) How else could it have ended?
Collect Plot Chart
}Another author’s version - Did this version make the changes you would have?
What source details?
How interpreted/transformed?
}Discuss the new version
}Write new version of ending (one page minimum, first sentence or two textual evidence, your complete/full version of a new ending due Friday
}In writer’s notebook: Perfectionism: What are the pros and cons of having everything perfect in order to be happy (perfectionism)? Is striving for perfection ever helpful or necessary? When would it be difficult to be a perfectionist?
Due Friday: One Page New Ending SoT; WN Entry

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tuesday, Sept. 12 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Prefixes
}SSR Reminders –letter due tomorrow! -3 solid paragraphs, letter format, REACTIONS not summary
}Share Poems
}“Sound of Thunder”
Continue reading/filling out together
–predict what will happen based on foreshadowing so far.  What do you think the sound of thunder is?
Finish reading and filling out plot chart on own (when done, keep in Reader’s Notebook section –if you don’t finish in class, finish for homework). 

}Read book/write letter when done

Monday, September 11, 2017

Monday, Sept. 11 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Terms for English
Go to READER’S NOTEBOOK:  Define Inference, Explicit, Analysis/Analyze, Textual Evidence
}Brainstorm in Reader’s Notebook/Class Notes: What is “the human experience”?
}Intro to Short Story Unit: Vocab
Orange book, pg 24 as well as maroon glossary in back of book: take notes
}Writer’s/Reader’s Workshop time
}Short Stories: Focus #1: Plot and Sequencing
Short Story Words: create group note sheet while discussing terms (print out, put in your Reader’s Notebook/Class Notes section)
}“Sound of Thunder” pg 34
Fill out plot chart while reading
Final Version of poem (creatively put together –show who you are with how you ‘present’ the poem) due tomorrow.
Everyone will read (or I will read for you) at least five stanzas of the poem

Use the rubric to make sure you have done the best you can

Friday, September 8, 2017

Friday, Sept. 8 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Binder division
}Integrating Ideas Pre-test –when done, staple rubric to the paragraph and turn it in to the third block folder in the green crate on the table. Read your book, work on your SSR letter, or work on your poem when you are done!!!
}In your craft lesson section, list the five senses.
}Word Choice and Sensory Images
Notes in the Craft Lesson section
Writing the Senses activity in WN
}Writer’s Workshop
Editing the I Am From Poem
Add descriptions or words that make readers hear/see/feel/smell/taste what you are writing about (SENSORY IMAGES!)
Line breaks
Work Time
Final Version of poem (creatively put together –show who you are with how you ‘present’ the poem) due Tuesday

At least five stanzas of all poems will be read aloud Tuesday

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Thursday, Sept. 7 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Prefixes – take out a blank sheet of paper, write the phrase Prefix/Suffix/Root Section in top margin
What are word parts? Why study/memorize them?
}SSR Letter How To
Start the first letter (keep in Reader’s notebook section): letter due on Wednesday
}I Am From Poem
oPutting your info into poem format
oWriter’s Workshop (check brainstorming)
oWork time
oWrite your first draft: due end of block/tomorrow
oIf you finish before the end of the block, show me the draft, then either work on making it stronger or reading your book

oMinimum of five stanzas that are at least 3 lines long; each stanza starts with “I am from…”

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Wednesday, Sept. 6 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Find Seat: chart on stool (if you forgot)
}Expectations and Procedures -keep this sheet in the front of your binder
}Practice Bell Ringer:  Writer’s Notebook: What are things you feel comfortable with related to reading, writing, speaking, and listening? What are things related to these ideas that you struggle with?
üWrite in your writer’s notebook for the entire time you are given (about 5 minutes)
üI will be walking around checking for length and effort
üWe may share after the 5 minutes
This was collected at the end of the block
}Finish up Expectations/Procedures
Bring the bottom part signed ASAP!
}Library- 10 min- You NEED a book by tomorrow (Friday at the latest)!
Make sure you read 20 minutes tonight so you can start the letter in class tomorrow
}SSR Letter expectations and set up (SSR LETTER DUE Wednesday)
SSR Letter Example and beginning
}I Am From Poem –brainstorm due tomorrow (three in each section)
o  Brainstorm

oIf you finish, read your book for a bit