Monday, June 8, 2015

Monday, June 8

}Bell Ringer: 10 minutes study time for word parts test (Tuesday)
}Writer’s Workshop Time
You need to aim for 30% summary/textual evidence and 70% analysis and original opinion/thought
Intro Examples
Works Cited page reminder
Editing body paragraphs as a class
Conferring –if you need to confer with me and already have, we can. If you haven’t met with me about summary vs analysis, you MUST
Peer-edit with someone you trust
Use the rubric to see if you have all of the necessary information
Revising Ideas:
Print out your draft, read the last sentence first, then the second to last, and so on.  This allows you to focus on the structure of the sentence rather than the content of information.
Share your document with a peer you trust, have them comment on it.
Write your thesis next to each chunk of analysis, helping you make sure that the analysis is directly related to your thesis.
}Paper needs to be printed out, DOUBLE-SPACED, rubric paper clipped to front, work cited page is last page

Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday, June 5 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Word Part Study Time
}Epic Examples
}Final Reading Comprehension Assessment
}All the time left can be used for the paper
Works Cited page reminder
Conferring –if you need to confer with me and already have, we can. If you haven’t met with me about summary vs analysis, you MUST
If your intro and conclusion aren’t done, finish them so you have a complete paper to edit/revise
Peer-edit with someone you trust
Use the rubric to see if you have all of the necessary information
Revising Ideas:
Print out your draft, read the last sentence first, then the second to last, and so on.  This allows you to focus on the structure of the sentence rather than the content of information.
Share your document with a peer you trust, have them comment on it.
Write your thesis next to each chunk of analysis, helping you make sure that the analysis is directly related to your thesis.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thursday, June 4 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Study Word Parts (prefix/suffix list): Test on Tuesday!
}Writer’s Workshop
In-text citations and introductions
Intro and Conclusion Reminders: Document shared with you
Conferences on summary vs. analysis: Highlighting for summary and analysis: print out body paragraphs and highlight for your conference with me (use 2 different color highlighters, one for summary and one for analysis, use the sheet you got Tuesday to help you determine the difference)
If your body paragraphs aren’t done, you need to work on them
If your intro isn’t done, you need to work on it
Work on your conclusion (rough draft should be done by tomorrow)
Peer edit with someone you trust when it comes to writing
}MLA format –you have a handout on this, make sure your paper follows it

}Rubric –worth 95 points, make sure you’ve done/are doing what it’s looking for

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wednesday, June 3 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: List of roots
}Writer’s Workshop
Summary vs. Analysis reminder
Work time on Paper
**If you have a first draft (at least all three body paragraphs) done, bring it to me (share it with me on GD and print it out) for a meeting during class today or tomorrow
Intro notes –rough drafts of intro due tomorrow end of time and the body paras are due at the end of work time today/beginning of class tomorrow
}Epics: A long narrative poem recounting actions, travels, adventures, and heroic episodes (write definition in glossary)
In Reader’s Notebook section or just notes section, take notes from the chart on page 1094 –make a web if that helps you organize thoughts best.  Answer the question “What is an Epic Poem and what are its characteristics?”
}Epic Notes: Web on board

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday, June 2 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots (the last slide…)
}Summary vs. Analysis
}Writer’s Workshop time: topic sentence and body paragraph practice
Outline check
Topic Sentences and body paragraphs-LOOK AT THE DOCUMENT SHARED WITH YOU (analysis step by step)!
In-text Citations: after every quote, no comma, period AFTER the citation NOT BEFORE!
Body paragraphs rough draft due Thursday (beginning of hour)

Whenever you are done, share it with me and tell me it is complete so I can read through and comment ASAP

Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday, June 1 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Finish large group discussion
}Outlining Review
   Look at the outline template (or click on this link for an outline with the body completed)
}Writer’s Workshop time
Textual Evidence: 3-6 final, find as many as possible at first, then narrow down to develop your main idea/topic sentences
On Outline: Need thesis and three main ideas/topic sentences with three quotes (minimum) by tomorrow

By tomorrow, you should be done with your outline (or at least body paragraph portion) and starting to write your body paragraphs.  If you are at this point earlier, start the paragraphs (rough drafts)