Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Wednesday, Dec. 21 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Presentations: Clayton, Savanna (also finish looking at Seth’s)
}Small Group Discussion on 18-19
}Courage Paragraph

}Hwk: Finish paragraph, read and annotate 20-22
}Courage: Based on your focus point notes (or the poster), explain (in paragraph form) one of the different types of courage that exist in the world and how it has been shown in TKAM.  You need specific quotes from the novel to use while proving your point.  This should be at least a paragraph in length. I’d suggest the first paragraph should be explaining the type of courage in the world and the second should be that type in the book. (write in paragraph format! TIQA!).
}In-text Citation: (Lee 33).

Monday, December 19, 2016

Monday, Dec. 19 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: In writer’s notebook, answer this question based on chapter 15: Was Scout courageous or just naïve (lacking in worldly wisdom or informed judgment)? Support your opinion with specific details from the book (use a quote (textual evidence) to support yourself). Bring this paragraph (TIQA format) to me when done.
}Social Awareness: Austin L, Austin A, Raven, Olivia, Seth
}Hwk: chapter 16-17, annotations (remember page numbers if not post-its), discussion question (focus question topics, especially courage, empathy, discrimination), Begin brainstorming any current issues or events that you can relate to or connect to TKAM

Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday, Dec. 16 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: How does Jem in ch 11 relate to focus question of coming of age?
}Part one Quiz
Answer questions then give back to creator of questions
Grade/Check the answers to your questions (each answer worth 2 pts)
Write who created and answered the questions and turn it in to me
Read 14-15
}With your discussion group, discuss annotations and how the concepts of “coming of age” and stereotypes/discrimination are seen in ch 12 and 13 (add to posters)
}Homework: Read ch 14 and 15, post it important points (any quotes, examples of focus points), one question, answer 'quiz' questions if you didn't finish in class
}Social Awareness Presentations: Lexi, Faith

}If you are gone on Monday for choir, come talk to me!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday, Dec. 15 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Two question quiz
}Writing Section: Is Jem a hero? Is Jem courageous? How, why, what’s the difference?
}Discuss characterization of Atticus.  What do we know about him so far? How do we know these things?
}With small group, make sure you finished all ideas of ch 8 and 9 yesterday
}Begin Discussion with small group then Discuss ch 10 and 11 as a large group
add Atticus’/Maudie’s mockingbird quote to notes or words of wisdom –each group needs to write one quote on WoW sheet, Discuss each person’s discussion question and annotations
}How does Jem in ch 11 relate to focus question of coming of age? (cover this before we go to large group)
}Part One Review Questions
Create at least 10
Use all of the Ws and How
Cover all of the big ideas/issues of pt 1
}Social Awareness Presentations: Raisa
Tomorrow: Lexi, Austin L, Faith, Abby (Austin? Olivia?)

}Homework: Read ch 12 and 13, annotations, 1 discussion question; Review/Quiz Questions created if you didn’t finish in class

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wednesday, Dec. 14 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: roots
}Annotation check: find your discussion question and show it to me when I come to you while you are writing:  In Writer’s Notebook:  What kind of a narrator is Scout? Should we believe what she tells us? Why? Why do you think Harper Lee chose to tell the story this way? 
}Small Group discussion of 8-9
Finish posting for 6-7
Discuss annotations and focus points, then WN entry
Add to Gifts focus question, courage, prej/stereotype/discrim, WoW? –put things on posters (we want as a class to have the BEST pieces of the big ideas on the posters)
◦Q-Chart and Discussion: Focus Points examples (posters) and discussion questions Q-Chart and creation of better discussion questions
}Social Awareness: Raisa, Lexi, Austin L, Faith (TOMORROW)

}Homework: 10-11, annotations and discussion question 

Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday, Dec. 12 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: In writing section: What are the three most important events, ideas, details or pieces of information from the first five chapters of TKAM?  Why do you think each one is important? Put annotations on desk for checking, work on homework while waiting
}Poster Discussion from Friday
}With your group, discuss your writing section entry, your annotations from 4 and 5, and
Create discussion questions about the first five chapters of the book for a large group discussion,
Start a list of customs, traditions and unwritten ‘rules’ for living in Maycomb
}Posters –need to write on at least four (make sure all points are covered)
}Submit your group’s best discussion questions (3) from the first 5 chapters
}Presentations: (starting Wednesday –some will be gone tomorrow for Life Skills trip): work time if we have time

}Homework: Read ch 6-7: Annotations and a discussion question 

Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday, Dec. 9 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Presentation work time: 35ish minutes (I’ll check annotations (for 2-3) while you are working)
}Words of Wisdom page
}In writer’s notebook: What does Atticus mean when he says “If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks.  You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”? (ch 3) Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer.  Does Atticus behave this wayGive an example.
}Discussion/Participation Rubrics
}Small Group Discussion on ch  2-3, writer’s notebook entry
Self and Peer grade on Google Form (use the rubric)
}Ch 4-5 due Monday: Minimum of 5 annotations plus one discussion question (something you can ask the group that has more than one specific ‘answer’)

While reading, look for any words of wisdom, “gifts” focus question, main/important points

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday, Dec. 8 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Work Cited Reminder
}Presentation Work Time:
Remember, you need images, videos, audio files, you don’t just want words on the screen
USE the RUBRIC to check if you are doing things correctly!!
Your presentation should have an introduction, body, and conclusion
You should have real world examples of your issue that you found in your research (it is mentioned on the rubric, remember to check through that rubric!!)
}Discussion Rubric and Procedures
}First Small Group: Discuss Harper Lee article, most ‘pressing’ questions and all annotations of ch 1, focus point evidence, survey points from yesterday
Evaluation of peers and self at end of discussion
}Starting Presentations on Tuesday!!
}Hwk: Work on presentation, Chapters 2-3 read with annotations

Reminder: A link to the audiobook is on my blog (you can also just search for it on YouTube). If you want to listen to the chapters, that is fine (if you are a fast reader, this will take you much longer though), but make sure you still create annotations!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday, Dec. 7 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Word Parts (roots)
}Discuss paragraph on Online Survey
}What are Focus Points? How we use them

}Read beginning of chapter 1: start together: Start annotations -aim for at least 8 ?s/comments/details/connections to focus points you are thinking while reading/things that you think may be important later/etc. on the first ch (in own notebook or on post its), finish on own for homework (can listen to audio as well, look at side of blog for link)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday, Dec. 6 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Presentation Work Time
Remember, you need images, videos, audio files, you don’t just want words on the screen
USE the RUBRIC to check if you are doing things correctly!!
Give credit to where your information comes from, also you need a works cited page
}Online Survey: Go to my blog (, click on the link in post titled “online survey”.  When you are done answering all questions, pick one of them and write your thoughts about it in your writer’s notebook (at least a paragraph).
}Closely Read: “A Glimpse of Harper Lee” article (due tomorrow)
Interesting points
Ideas that connect to the book we’re starting
Things you connect prior knowledge to

}Post-its (or another way) for close reading annotations

Online Survey for TKaM

Take this online survey: Opinions on Big Ideas

While answering these questions, keep these definitions in mind:

Prejudice: an opinion or judgement made without full knowledge of an individual, situation, place, etc.

Discrimination: difference in treatment based on something other than individual merit, often stems from prejudices

Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday, Dec. 5 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Think for awhile about people who you have heard speak that you liked/were interested in and those that you didn’t/were bored by. Then, in your writer’s notebook, create a brainstormed list about the characteristics public speakers need to be effective and a list of what speakers should NOT do to be effective.
}Discuss what you wrote
}Public Speaking characteristics
}Background Info Presentations
Finish meeting with group: make your ‘notes sheet’ (document up when you present)
Make sure to take notes on what you feel will help you understand the novel as we read it
Take notes on the most important info (what ties to details I gave in the intro, what can help you get a better understanding of the setting, plot, or characters of the novel)
}Research/Project work time
Tying Romeo and Juliet into presentation
You have your three pieces of textual evidence, somehow work them into your presentation
Needs to logically work, needs to flow with what you are including from your research
Works Cited Page (due when you present)
Remember, you need images, videos, audio files, you don’t just want words on the screen

USE the RUBRIC to check if you are doing things correctly!!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Friday, Dec. 2 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: To Kill a Mockingbird
General Introduction
Background Info Groups
Read your article or information (CLOSE READ)
Take notes on the most important info (what ties to details I gave in the intro, what can help you get a better understanding of the setting, plot, or characters of the novel)
}Research Time
Continue notes, look on your rubric (IDEAS section) if you aren’t sure what to take notes on
Ways to present: Web page, video, power point with links, prezi, Thinglink, HaikuDeck, Picktochart
As you think of ways to present your information, consider:
Ways to include videos, audio, images
How to keep class interested
Do you want them to think or do anything after seeing your presentation
Link to other ideas (sources) or include the videos, pictures, etc in the presentation
Work time today, Monday, some on Tuesday and Wednesday, maybe some on Thursday, and the first presentations will be Friday (lottery for order Thursday)
}Meet on Background article (@3:30)
Start to figure out how your group will present this information to the class (all must talk)

}*Need ‘postits’ by Wednesday (the earlier the better): this is how you keep track of what you read/ know/ learn/ should remember (can be any strategy of close reading)

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thursday, Dec. 1 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
How to take notes
Begin or continue notes, look on your rubric if you aren’t sure what to take notes on
Ways to present: Web page, video (weVideo or Windows Movie Maker), power point with links, prezi, Thinglink, HaikuDeck, Picktochart, powtoons
As you think of ways to present your information, consider:
Ways to include videos, audio, images
How to keep class interested
Do you want them to think or do anything after seeing your presentation

}You should have at least half of your notes done by end of class! (IF NOT IT IS HOMEWORK!!!)

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday, Nov. 30 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Reliability online –need computer on
       Schoology posts and Google Drive document
}Research next step
You need to have at least 15 (hopefully closer to 20) potential sources after 40 minutes today
Continue researching: you want a lot of different texts (articles, audio clips, video clips, pictures, etc) that show the importance of your theme/issue (you should be looking during your research for an issue/problem/negative situation connected to your theme)
If you have 15-20 sources, start taking notes. Think about your research questions and your final goal, and take notes that help you achieve your purpose

}Your final goal is to present your findings to the class in order to give your peers an awareness of issues affecting teens in American society today

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday, Nov. 29 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Get outline for essay out
}Essay Test: staple outline to rubric to turn in (make sure the essay is shared with me)
All essays must be done by the end of the block
}Translation Test (finish or take if you were gone)
}Research Time (if you don’t need to finish the translation test and you are finished with the essay)
Aim for 15-20 potential sources

Begin researching: you want a lot of different texts (articles, audio clips, video clips, pictures, etc) that show the importance of your theme/issue (you should be looking during your research for an issue/problem/negative situation connected to your theme)

Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday, Nov. 28 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Outline to Essay
I do then you do with partner based on my outline
Get out YOUR Outline
Intro and Conclusion Sections
Is your outline ready to write an essay tomorrow? If so, finish test/start test/read your book/work on research; if not, work on your outline
 OUTLINE DUE TOMORROW (in order to write the essay test)
}Current Teen Issues in Romeo and Juliet Research:
Issues tied to themes: Examples from last semester
Textual Evidence (at least three): due in 20 min
Questions and Key Terms (shared with me through Google Drive)
Should be done from Tuesday
Potential Sources (need at least 15, aim for more): These should be on the same document as the questions and key terms
Today’s goals (due by the beginning of class tomorrow):
Textual Evidence (3) of theme in play
Questions and Key Terms

At least 5 potential sources (aim for more)

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tuesday, Nov. 22 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Universal Themes/Topic
Brainstorm with neighbor and choose theme (universal theme that is in Romeo and Juliet and is relevant to teens today)
}“How To” questions and key terms for R&J Universal Theme/Social Issue Project. Document shared with you in Drive. You need:
}Universal Theme and topic
}At least three lines from the play that show your theme (aim for more if possible)
}Create some questions that will guide your research: I ask, how is your theme relevant to teens in America today?  You need to research this, so what are some questions or key words that you will use to research? (You need 8 and key terms highlighted)
}Begin researching: you want a lot of different texts (articles, audio clips, video clips, pictures, etc) that show the importance of your theme/issue (you should be looking during your research for an issue/problem/negative situation connected to your theme)
}Your final goal is to present your findings to the class in order to give your peers an awareness of issues affecting teens in American society today
}Current Teen Issues in Romeo and Juliet
8 Research questions with key terms highlighted (due Monday)
Find your theme in the play (at least three pieces of textual evidence): due after 20-30 minutes Monday
}Outline Discussion
Time to work on BODY of outline
Check blog for helpful tips and links
}Essay portion of the test on Tuesday (after break)

}OUTLINE due at beginning class Monday (after break)

Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday, Nov. 21 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Check Translation Practice with Partner
}Translation Practice Answers
}Creating an Outline for the essay
How to go from planning sheet to outline
You need to have your textual evidence picked out so you can make the outline after the test. Grab a book or use online text (linked on my blog)
Outlining a paper (I=intro, II=body, III=conclusion)
Sample Outline
Compare your outline to mine, will yours help you to answer the question? Do you have in-text citations?
}Translation Test: turn in to first folder in green crate
}When done with test, read your own book or work on your outline (textual evidence!!!)
Outline due after break -you should have a start on it by tomorrow (or at least have your textual evidence chosen)
Look at example outlines on my blog (linked in the “Outlining for the Essay” post)

If you need a book, sign your name on the white board, or you could use the online text, which is linked on the right side of my blog

Outlining the Essay Test

Once you have picked your scene, characterization, event, relationship, etc from the text and movie versions of Romeo and Juliet, you need to establish what specific similarities and differences you are going to be analyzing. (All of this is explained on the assignment sheet you should have, if you don't, here is a link to it, also, you should have that information on your planning sheet)

You should look for two specific similarities and two specific differences.  These could be between two versions or among all three.

Once you know the similarities and differences you want to focus on, you are going to think about why the directors chose to keep them similar or to change.  For this, think about the impact of the choice made by the director, what came before the choice and what comes after it.

With the 'why' in mind, you are going to find textual evidence from Shakespeare's text to support why you believe the directors made the choices that they did.  With all of this in your head/in your notes, you are ready to make an outline for your essay.

You will follow the Paper Outline template that I gave you on Monday, where I. is introduction, II. is body, and III. is conclusion.  Your first step is to organize your ideas.  Are you going to write about similarities in one section and then differences in another, or are there other logical ways to organize your ideas. This link will take you to an outline organized by similarities and differences.  This link will take you to an outline organized by big ideas (that link actually has two outlines, they are both the same material, but organized in two different ways.  The first one is the similarity/diff way, the second is the main point way.).

Once you have figured out how you are organizing it, put your information that you have (similarities, textual evidence to support, differences, textual evidence to support) into the outline.

By Monday the 28th you should have a first draft outline for me to check so that we can work on it and prepare for the essay portion of the test, which is on Tuesday (11/29).

Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday, Nov. 18 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Finish Play (A5 S2 S3)
}Who Is Responsible?
brainstorm on your sheet
Who should be pardoned or punished?
}Outline brainstorm from yesterday
}Outline to TIQA Paragraph Practice:
Finish brainstorming and then organize the information to come up with your ‘answer’
Outline for Who is Responsible?
Paragraph for Who is Responsible

}Translation Practice -due Mon

Translation Test on MONDAY!!!