Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thursday, May 31 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Study word parts
}The Odyssey
Epic Characteristics Review, Archetype review (do you have notes sheet?)
Read The Cyclops pg 1112: notes on story map (details of event) and how it shows epic characteristics, specifically epic hero
Epic Characteristics in “The Cyclops”: on own or with partner
}Introduce Odyssey Children’s Story –story due Thursday!
Children’s book assignment due 6/7 (presenting to the class)
}Writer’s Workshop
Start peer revision if choosing to use this opportunity
Finish rough draft (if you still haven’t)
Revise and edit your own work (can be based on peer revision)
Meet w/ me about summary vs. analysis highlighting
Work on making this the best thing you’ve written

We will have 40 minutes of work time on the paper tomorrow

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wednesday, May 30 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Word Part study time (root list)
}Writer’s Workshop:
Stronger analysis examples
If your body paragraphs aren’t done, you need to work on them
If your intro isn’t done, you need to work on it
Work on your conclusion (full rough draft should be done at the minimum)
Summary vs. Analysis Highlighting
print out body paragraphs and highlight for your conference with me (use 2 different color highlighters, one for summary and one for analysis, use the sheet you got Friday to help you determine the difference)
}Odyssey Continued:
Epic Poster Presentation
Timeline/story map creation
Read all italicized information on pages 1104-1112 as a class.  While reading take notice of how epic characteristics are shown, what happens in the plot (on timeline/story map)
Read “The Lotus Eaters” section: take notes on story map/timeline of what happens (who, where, how) and how you see any epic characteristics. When done, take out computer and work on revising/editing your paper
}Writer’s Workshop:
Conferences on summary vs. analysis

If you want to do a peer revision, upload it to the peer revision assignment in Turnitin by 8:00 (1st block)/1:30 (4th block) tomorrow

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Tuesday, May 29 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Study Word Parts (prefix/suffix list): Test Wed/Thursday of the last week of school (next week)
}Start The Odyssey  -grab lit book
Take 10 minutes to finish and then present mini-epic posters
Notes on Odyssey background –read 1088-1089, take notes on info about The Illiad, The Odyssey, Odysseus, and how gods intervene
Link to online text:
}Writer’s Workshop (30 min)
In-text citations and introductions; Intro rough draft done by: 3:40, conclusion by tomorrow
Intro and Conclusion Reminders: Document shared with you
**If you have a first draft (at least all three body paragraphs) done, read through your comments on Turnitin, then begin working on your intro and then conclusion.  If you are done with everything, start editing and revising your draft
MLA format –you have a handout on this, make sure your paper follows it
Highlighting for summary and analysis: print out body paragraphs and highlight for your conference with me (use 2 different color highlighters, one for summary and one for analysis, use the sheet you got Friday to help you determine the difference)
If your body paragraphs aren’t done, you need to work on them
If your intro isn’t done, you need to work on it

Work on your conclusion (full rough draft should be done by end of block/beginning of tomorrow)

Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday, May 25 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Final Slide of Word Parts
}Summary vs. Analysis
}Writer’s Workshop (40 min)
Intro and conclusion notes (shared with you) –rough drafts of intro and conclusion due Tuesday middle/end of time
}Epics: A long narrative poem recounting actions, travels, adventures, and heroic episodes (write this on your notes chart I gave you)
}Based on the information you have read in the chart, brainstorm any stories, movies, books, etc that you know of that could fit into this definition (write these down on the same notes sheet)

Quick Epic Poster? –not quality art, just sketches and labels

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thursday, May 24 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Article 2 check
Discuss with partner both summary and response (check for all parts)
Turn in to me when done and work on creating your outline
}Writer’s Workshop time: topic sentence and body paragraph practice
Outline check: make sure it is shared with me
Topic Sentences and body paragraphs –on the shared document
In-text Citations: after every quote, no comma, period AFTER the citation NOT BEFORE!
Work time on Paper: first thing, write your thesis (revise it if necessary) as the first sentence on your draft
Body paragraphs rough draft due tomorrow–if possible, otherwise Sunday/Monday (UPLOADED TO TURNITIN!!!)

Formative Experience Post Comments due tomorrow, too!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Wednesday, May 23 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Suffixes (ic, ly, ly)
}Step-by-Step Corrections (see document shared with you)
}Outline Review: Outline is due end of block
Main Ideas
Textual Evidence to fit
}Formative Experiences Comments
Read your commenting collaborator’s post on formative experiences and comment on theirs and one other person’s; comments due Friday
}Work on outline/paper
Textual Evidence: 3-6 final, continue finding as many as you can to start, then begin to narrow:
Things that can be ANALYZED –they don’t say EXACTLY what you are trying to say, but you read between the lines and infer and interpret to get to proving your thesis (you may even think of modifying your thesis after you have finalized your pieces of evidence)
On Outline: Need thesis and at least three main ideas/points with three quotes (minimum) by end of block (beginning of tomorrow at latest)

By tomorrow, you should be done with your outline (or at least body paragraph portion) and starting to write your body paragraphs.  If you are at this point earlier, complete the rest of the outline (intro and conclusion) and then start the fourth and fifth steps (topic sentences and paragraphs (rough drafts))

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Tuesday, May 22 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Formative Experiences:
Formative Experiences: what are they?
On your blog, write a bit about these questions:
What are some formative experiences in the novel for Jem and Scout?
How did they help form their identity at the end of the book (do you think)?
What are some lessons they will take away from these different formative experiences? (specifically the trial and aftermath)
}Thesis question (form): Go to Schoology. Click on the link in the TKaM folder (last post); answer that question.
}Discussion of end of book
}Analysis paper assignment –a THEME connected to: any focus question more in depth, any idea examined by us as a group or you as an individual, any quote, life lesson, real world parallel, etc
What is a theme?
Textual Evidence: 3-6 final, find as many as you can now
Things that can be ANALYZED –they don’t say EXACTLY what you are trying to say, but you read between the lines and infer and interpret to get to proving your thesis
}Article 2
One paragraph summary and one paragraph response (on own) with FANTASTIC TOPIC SENTENCES: author, article title, topic of article (for summary)
Article summary and response (1 para each) due tomorrow
Article 2 Summary and Response

POTENTIAL PIECES OF TEXTUAL EVIDENCE (2-3x more than minimum expectations of evidence)

Monday, May 21, 2018

Monday, May 21 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
}Summary of Article 1: check through yours vs. mine
}Critique of TKaM: Article 2
While reading, close read (highlight/comment) what needs to be in summary, what you want to respond to
}Create an in-depth question on the book as a whole: (should be something that would take at least a paragraph or so to answer)
Post your individual overall story discussion question to Schoology
}Online Discussion
Answer someone else’s question [the person who posted below yours –if you posted last, answer the first posted] (at least a paragraph in length, try for a good topic sentence)
}Small Group on the end of the book, themes, questions
Start with annotations and make sure your group posts as much as possible on posters to cover all details of the focus points from the end of the story
Question sheet: don’t need complete sentences, but jot down big insights/answers to help for large group discussion

}Homework: Schoology question (Answer it); questions 6, 7, 8 on the sheet, Highlight Article 2 for summary and response

Friday, May 18, 2018

Friday, May 18 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Group points from yesterday’s discussion (posters)
}Small Group Details on next slide
}Critique of TKaM: Article 1
Highlight details to summarize article
}Article 1 Summary:
One paragraph summary (title, author, topic, main idea, points of view (with textual evidence if desired)) –homework if not done
Topic Sentences: DO NOT SAY “I will be writing…” or “I” ANYTHING!!!
Remember, not too many details, but enough information for someone to understand the article without having read it

}Homework: read 28-31(end), annotations, add to focus points, other themes?, discussion question

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Thursday, May 17 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Suffixes
}Big Idea Poster Discussion/Themes
}Small Group: THEMES first, Discuss 23-24, annotations, discussion questions, themes/focus points, Schoology Discussion Guide, list of things to discuss from part 2
Discuss who is a mockingbird at this point with small group
Large group discussion of ideas in ch 24 at:
}Summarizing Notes
}Courage paragraph comments should be done –check and approve all comments

}Homework: chapters 25-27, ONE DISCUSSION QUESTION, annotations: many should be examples of the themes/focus questions from these chapters or earlier chapters, 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wednesday, May 16 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Final Social Awareness Presentations: anyone who hasn’t gone needs to present today!!! Lynnaya, Brandon, Ike; Tyler, Tessa, Sterling, others?
}Poster Discussion (plus themes and current connections)
}Small Group Meeting: Discuss 20-22 (USE THE SCHOOLOGY POST AS A GUIDE), post its, focus points/themes, verdict ideas, discussion questions, themes, create a list of the most important things to discuss for the second part of the book, start creating discussion questions surrounding those points (at least five for now)
Each group needs to post in Schoology their best discussion question, at least seven themes, as well as have me check your 3-5 most important ideas questions

}Homework: Ch 23-24, CREATE ONE DISCUSSION QUESTION BASED ON CHAPTERS, annotations, make sure to annotate examples of themes and focus points as well as comments and questions. And Courage Paragraph comments if not done.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tuesday, May 15 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots (the, soph, pod)
}Post your courage paragraph to YOUR BLOG
}Small Group Discussion on 18-19 (use Schoology assignment)
}Social Awareness Presentations: Alex; Victoria, Tessa
}Courage Paragraph discussion –directions on edublogs   
Groups for commenting: 
}Weasley, Matt, Gretchen, Lynnaya
}Anna, Lainie, Brandon, Simon, Bristen 
}Talen, Anesa, Amy, Alex
}John, Trevor, Victoria, Christian Sw.
}Justin, Tyler, Riley (Charlie at step 4)
}Kiara, Tessa, Nicole, McKenzie
}Destany, Emma, Cali, Christian St.
}Sterling, Robens, Derek, Jared, Jadyn

}Hwk: 20-22, annotations, discussion question While reading tonight, write your answers to these questions when you finish chapter 20: What do you think about Atticus’ closing argument?  Do you feel the jury will find Tom guilty or innocent? Why do you feel that way (use specific reasons from the story as well as your ideas, if you already know, try to think back and explain what you thought before you knew and why)

Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday, May 14 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: In WN: What factors influence our moral growth? What kinds of experiences help us learn how to judge right from wrong?
}Brainstorming Types of Courage
}Pt. 1 Question Correction
Give your answers to the person who created them
Grade the answers given to you (2pts each)
Turn questions and answers in to me
}Presentations: Weasley; Jadyn, McKenzie, Tyler, Sterling
}Small group meeting: WN Entry, chapters 16-17, post its, discussion questions, add to focus points (courage, empathy, doing the right thing, coming of age, discrim., for sure)
}Discuss questions on Schoology with your group.  Everyone write down ideas about the theme(s)
}Courage Paragraph explanation
}Courage: Based on your focus point notes (or the poster), explain (in paragraph form) one of the different types of courage that exist in the world and how it has been shown in TKAM.  You need specific quotes from the novel to use while proving your point.  This should be at least a paragraph in length. I’d suggest the first part of the paragraph should be explaining the type of courage in the world and the second should be that type in the book. (write in paragraph format! TIQA x1 at least!).
}In-text Citation: (Lee 33).
}Finish during class; also read and annotate chapters 18-19
}Hero/Courage Discussion tomorrow
}Homework: Courage paragraph typed up, Read chapters 18-19,  annotations, discussion question

Friday, May 11, 2018

Friday, May 11 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: In writer’s notebook, answer this question based on chapter 15: Was Scout courageous or just naïve (lacking in worldly wisdom or informed judgment)? Support your opinion with specific details from the book (use a quote (textual evidence) to support yourself). Bring this short paragraph (TIQA x1 format) to me when done.
}Presentations: Talen, Matt, others who are done?; Cali, Nicole, Jadyn
}Small Group Discussion: see next slide/Schoology Guide

}Hwk: chapter 16-17, annotations (remember page numbers if not post-its), discussion question (focus question topics, especially courage, empathy, discrimination), Begin brainstorming any current issues or events that you can relate to or connect to TKAM

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Thursday, May 10 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Suffixes
}Presentations: Anna, Gretchen; Justin, Emma, Cali,
}Important Focus Points Examples of Pt. 1
Write the starred ones on your sheet
Anything missing overall?
}Begin Discussion 12-13
With your discussion group, discuss annotations and how the concepts of “coming of age” and stereotypes/discrimination are seen in ch 12 and 13 (add to posters)
Discuss characterization of Atticus.  What more do we know about him? How do we know these things? (Use/add to Identity Chart)
}Part one Quiz
Answer questions then give back to creator of questions (ANSWERS DUE TOMORROW)
Write in complete sentences, give as much detail as you can, CAN use your book

}Homework: Read ch 14 and 15, post it important points (any quotes, examples of focus points), one discussion question, answer Pt. 1 Questions from peer

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Wednesday, May 9 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Two question quiz (google form emailed to you and linked on my edublogs blog)
}When you’ve submitted your quiz: Writing Section: Is Jem courageous? Is Jem a hero? How, why, what’s the difference?
}Part One Review Questions
Create at least 10
Use all of the Ws and How (Q-chart)
Cover all of the big ideas/issues of pt 1
}Social Awareness Presentations: Amy, Anesa; Kiara, Jared, Justin
}Begin Discussion ch 10-11
Add Atticus’/Maudie’s mockingbird quote to notes or words of wisdom –each group needs to write one quote on WoW sheet (WoW from 9?), Discuss each person’s discussion question and annotations, Make sure you talk about the ‘quiz’ and writing entry
Discuss Atticus info –add to identity chart
How does Jem in ch 11 relate to focus question of coming of age? –talk about this with your group, and jot down notes on the coming of age section of your packet

}Homework: Read ch 12 and 13, annotations, 1 discussion question; Review/Quiz Questions created if you didn’t finish in class

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tuesday, May 8 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: “Have you been paying attention?” Questions (previous slide) Annotation check: find your discussion question and show it when you bring your answers up
}Social Awareness Presentations: Simon,; Riley, Derek, 
}Making better discussion questions: Q chart (shared in drive)
}Poster Discussion from chapters 1-7
}Small Group discussion of 8-9
Discuss annotations and focus points, then WN entry
Add to Gifts focus question, courage, prej/stereotype/discrim, WoW? –put things on posters (we want, as a class, to have the BEST pieces of the big ideas on the posters)
Use the Q Chart for the following point!!!
Create some discussion questions (bottom right of chart) for 6-9, as a group, discuss them and post them to the Schoology discussion board: “6-9 Discussion Questions”

}Homework: 10-11, annotations and discussion question