Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday, Nov. 25 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Practice Translation Answers
}Scene Translation Test
}When done with test, read your own book or work on your outline
Outline due on MONDAY
Look at example outline on my blog (linked on the words ‘Sample Outline')

If you need a book, sign your name on the white board, or you could use the online text, which is linked on the right side of my blog

Friday, November 21, 2014

Monday, Nov. 24 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Pardoned and Punished: Who is Responsible?
}View A4
}Creation of outline for test
Test Essay notes and outline
}Outline Check when done
Compare your outline to mine, will yours help you to answer the question? Do you have in-text citations?

}Work time to perfect outline

Friday, Nov. 21 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Finish Play (A5 S2 and S3)
}Outline to Paragraph Practice:
Outline for Who is Responsible?
Based off outline, on a sheet of paper: Write a paragraph (TIQA format) explaining who/what tied to a person is most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet and why.
}Time to work on Outline and/or TIQA Paragraph

}Part of test on Tuesday (Translation part)!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, Nov. 20 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Universal Big Idea: Love and Hate
On the Big Idea sheet, write how you’ve seen the topics (turn them into themes).  Theme is big idea plus something about it
How do each of the themes drive the characters and plot?
}Theme Sharing
}Discuss Friar Laurence’s plan for Juliet
}Act 4, scenes 3, 4, 5
How do we see her ‘family’ truly loved her (find textual evidence)?
}Act 5 Scene 1

}Day Chart Check Monday: Detailed Check of 4 and 5 rather than a quiz 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, Nov. 19 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: AoW Discussion (15 min MAX)
}Discuss assignment sheet from yesterday:
}Version of Source Text Analysis: Answer these questions:
What is an important scene, characterization, etc. in all three versions we ‘experienced’ where choices were made concerning what to keep the same and what to change? What are the most important similarities or differences and what textual evidence can you use to support the choices made by the directors?
}Finish Viewing A3

}Read A4 Scenes 1,

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, Nov. 18 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Outline Notes: Craft lesson section
}Outline Practice: Pick some topic that you know information about and outline it
}Outline work time/check
}Work on AoW, read own book, or study for Quiz when outline is done
}Act 3 Quiz today
}AoW work time or reading of independent book when you finish the quiz

}Begin the process of weeding through notes from the movies, focusing on one scene in all three versions (mediums)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, Nov. 17 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
}Check that you have this defn in your glossary: Dynamic Character- a character who changes throughout the plot due to the events in the story.
}Discuss Friar L’s plan (Act 3 Scene 3 day chart)
}Act 3 Scene 4, Scene 5
}Fill out day chart (Tuesday)
}Translation Practice (pairs translate 93-102, 116-123, 160-168, 177-187, 188-196, 213-226, 233-end)
}Soliloquy- in RJ section–what is a soliloquy? With a partner or independently: Pick a soliloquy in the play and explain what the reader/audience learns from it (make sure to explain when it occurs and who is speaking).  Quote specific lines that are important.

}Act 3 Quiz TOMORROW!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, Nov. 14 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Mood Paragraphs:
Exchange with neighbor, label the parts (two different colors, underline and circle)
Evaluate the level
Hand back to writer
Turn in your own when you get it back, if you disagree with the level, explain how it fits a different one.
}Viewing A3 Scenes 1 and 2
What details support each director’s choices as to how to portray the scene? What is the mood of the scenes? How is the mood accomplished?
}Who is Responsible Note sheet:  Fill out general ideas and details and then answer this: Is fate or are choices causing things to happen in the story? Why do you think that?
}Big Idea Sheet: Fate- what is it? How seen? With a partner, discuss the theme of Fate and how it has been seen so far in the play.  Where is fate referred to?

}Read Act 3 Scene 3 (finishing the act Monday and the quiz Monday as well!!)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, Nov. 13 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Paragraph check: Put your name on your paragraph and exchange
Read and comment on a peer’s TIQA paragraph (did they follow the format correctly? Do they show exactly how the quote they picked proves the topic sentence? Etc) Think of what comments I would make when grading it, and write those comments and your name under their paragraph.
}Self Eval: Levels
}Write this in your glossary, M page
Mood: feeling the author creates for the reader.  Created with descriptive words, imagery and figurative language as well as the sound and rhythm of the words
}In Writer’s Notebook: What is the mood of Shakespeare’s play (the whole thing) so far?  Use specific details (TEXTUAL EVIDENCE!!!) to prove: Same format as the love paragraph
}Read your independent book when you finish the paragraph
}Viewing A3 Scenes 1 and 2

What details support each director’s choices as to how to portray the scene? What is the mood of the scenes? How is the mood accomplished?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, Nov. 12 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Grab a book
}Act 3 Scenes 1 and 2
}Add to day chart (still Monday)
}TIQA paragraph-Types of Love
}Pre-Writing: what are the different types of love seen in the first two acts (and the beginning of the third)? What are the examples of each type?
}Pick one of these types of love. In your writer’s notebook, in a paragraph that follows the TIQA format (look at notes), prove the existence of the type of love you have picked: 

This is how you do an in-text citation for your quote: “Now art thou sociable, now art thou Romeo” (II, iv, 92-94).
Paragraph due tomorrow!!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, Nov. 7 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: In your R&J section, write down at least two examples of foreshadowing from Act 2.  We know how the play ends, how is that hinted at in act 2?
}Talk with partner about movie choices you like and don’t like: what makes you agree or disagree with the director?
}Act 2 quiz –turn in to folder when done and read your book
}Connections presentations
}View Act 2 Scenes 4, 5, 6

}Collect SSR letter

Thursday, Nov. 6 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Turn in connections (if you have a plan for presenting some for EC, talk to me)
}Metaphor and simile definition in reader’s notebook section: find examples from the play so far to use as examples (which one, what’s compared)
A1 S5 l. 92-95
A2 S2 l. 2-25, l. 116-124, l. 131-135, l.177-182
}Check Day Chart from yesterday
}View Scene 3
}Act 2 Scenes 4,5, and 6
}Add to day chart

}Act 2 quiz TOMORROW!!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Wednesday, Nov. 5 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: In R&J section: Which movie version matches your imagination (of Act 2 Scene 2) and why? Which version matches the mood or feeling of the scene best and why?
}Discuss with partner and take notes: Why are Romeo and Juliet in such a rush to get married? Use specific details from the play to support your opinion (TIQA paragraph)- write the paragraph alone
}Work Time: Read or work on Connections Assignment
}Reminder: SSR Letter due Friday, Connections (minimum 4) and explanations due TOMORROW!!! Clips and presenting for extra credit on Friday!
}Act 2 Scenes 3

Add to day chart

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday, Nov. 4 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
Paraphrase of scene 2: Finish from yesterday
}Add to Big Ideas sheet: love and death –examples from A2 S2
How can this be foreshadowing? 
}Add to notes sheet: who seems to be responsible for what’s going on so far? Discuss with partner as you add
}In R&J notes, write down what you feel the mood or tone of A2 S2 is in the book (the feeling, the emotion)
}Continue thinking of the “Why” behind the directors’ choices while you take notes
What is the effect of the choices? What would the director want to be saying, implying?
View Act 2 Scenes 1 and 2
Why does the new one choose to use the pool?

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday, Nov. 3 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Connections: In writer’s notebook, brainstorm some other books/songs/movies/shows/etc. where the idea of Romeo and Juliet also seen?
}**Assignment: Come up with a list of at least 4 movies, books, shows/episodes, songs, etc that have some similarity to R and J.  Write a short explanation of how they are the same (specific details, not just the overall basics; therefore it should be a shorter paragraph in length, not just a sentence). Extra Credit: find a clip or clips online that show similarities.
Due Thursday
}Finish Viewing A1 Scenes 4 and 5
}Review Soliloquy and Aside
}Act 2 Scene 1 and 2
Fill out day chart (Early Monday morning)

Start A2S2 Paraphrase