Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday, May 27 Agenda & Homework

}  Bell Ringer: suffixes (ant, ent, less)
}  Introduce: Analysis paper assignment
–a THEME connected to any focus question more in depth, any idea examined by us as a group or you as an individual (writer’s notebook), any quote, life lesson, real world parallel, etc.
}  WN: Follow the Thesis Steps described  / WRITE YOUR THESIS
1.       Step 1: Choose a topic: To Kill a Mockingbird
2.       Step 2: Focus the topic   “Coming of Age” in To Kill a Mockingbird
3.      Step 3: Narrow the topic further by posing it as a question(s).
    = How does Jem come of age? What specific things force this?
4.      Step 4: Answer the question. The answer is your thesis statement.  (Try a variety of answers. What appeals to you most for your essay topic?)
= In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem shows coming of age as he experiences adults taking actions and making decisions that are wrong and unjust.

…. Then REVISE your statement. Can it be more concise? If you use “AND” - - do you need to?
= In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem shows coming of age as he experiences   realizes adults taking actions and making can make decisions that are wrong and unjust.

Your thesis statement should be clear and direct and should entice your audience to read further. Each subsequent paragraph in the body of you paper should support your thesis statement and prove your claim.
}  Small Group Work:
1.       Hypocrisy from chapter 25 and 26
   In the Hypocrisy Focus Point: What was hypocritical in the chapters that you read last night (think chapter 26)? Why/how would that be considered hypocrisy?
2.       Annotations, Discussion Questions, Focus Points, Chapters 26 & 27
}  Homework: read 28-31(end), annotations, add to focus points, other themes?, discussion question
}  THESIS WRITTEN BY MONDAY NIGHT (so, BEFORE you walk into class on Tuesday)
}  ALSO – begin Topic Sentences

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thursday, May 26 Agenda & Homework

}  Presentations
}  Small Group Meeting: Discuss 20-22, post its, focus points/themes, closing argument ideas, discussion questions, continue the list of the most important things to discuss for the second part of the book, start creating discussion questions surrounding those points (at least five for now)
}  CRAFT – Mini Lesson / Topic Sentences
}  Small Group: Discuss 23-25, post its, discussion questions, themes/focus questions, list of things to discuss from part 2
       Discuss who is a mockingbird at this point with small group
       End goal, your group leading discussion with the large group. So make questions that can last 5 min with follow ups and make them ‘different’

}  Homework: chapters 26-27, ONE DISCUSSION QUESTION, annotations: many should be examples of the themes/focus questions from these chapters or earlier chapters, 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday, May 25 Agenda & Homework

}  Bell Ringer: Roots (the, soph, pod)
}  TIQA Paragraph: Pick a quote from the book that supports a focal point / big idea. (You can walk over to the board to look.)
Write a TIQA paragraph as if this was the 2nd body paragraph in an essay. Support your opinion with specific details from the book (use a quote and possibly paraphrase details).  For example, the topic sentence may be something like, “Along with changes in how he thinks, Jem shows coming-of-age in how he acts.”  Then use evidence that his actions show coming-of-age.
Bring this paragraph (TIQA format) to me when done.
}  Small Group Meeting: Discuss 20-22, post its, focus points/themes, closing argument ideas, discussion questions, continue the list of the most important things to discuss for the second part of the book, start creating discussion questions surrounding those points (at least five for now)
       Each group needs to turn in a post it/sheet with most important notes of what was discussed and best discussion question, as well as have me check your five most important ideas questions
}  Add to Focus Points/Posters (THREE post-its / Any chapter in part II)

}  Homework: Ch 23, 24, 25, CREATE ONE DISCUSSION QUESTION BASED ON CHAPTERS, annotations, make sure to annotate examples of themes and focus points as well as comments and questions.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tuesday, May 24 Agenda & Homework

}  Presentations:
Block 1: Evan, Alex, Ericka, Tanner, Mathew, Ben, Madison, McKenzie R., Cody
Block 3: Caleb,  Alethea, Noah, Ashley, Rachel, Kaitlin, Gracie B, Rylee, Scott, Randi, David N., Elijah,  Timothy
}  Essay Discussion
}  Small Group on 18-19,
       Ch 18: Mayella’s Testimony –Mayella’s decisions
       Ch 18: Mayella’s home life –what is it like
       Empathy ch 19; Is Scout racist?;; Coming of Age and Jem –reality vs. ideal
       Start a list with your group of the most important things to discuss for the second part of the book, start creating discussion questions surrounding those points (at least five for now)
}  HWK: 20-22: annotations (annotations tonight should focus on the focus points), one discussion question

       Think about for tomorrow: What do you think about Atticus’ closing argument?  Do you feel the jury will find Tom guilty or innocent? Why do you feel that way (use specific reasons from the story as well as your ideas, if you already know, try to think back and explain what you thought before you knew and why)

Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday, May 23 Agenda & Homework

} Bell Ringer: suffixes: -Age, -Dom, -Ful
}  Presentations:  
Block 1: Tony, Macy, Lorena, Alicia, Luke A., Reis, Evan
Block 3: Caleb, Noah, Rachel, Kaitlin,  Gracie B,  Rylee, Scott
}  Small group meeting: chapters 16-17, post its, discussion questions, add to focus points (courage, empathy, doing the right thing, coming of age, discrim., for sure)
}  Discuss questions on the screen with your group.  Everyone write down ideas about the theme(s)
}  Homework: Read chapters 18-19,  annotations, discussion question

Thursday, May 19, 2016

"Courage" Paragraph - Both Block 1 & 3 post here

Paragraph Assignment:  Based on your focus point notes (or the poster), explain (in paragraph form) one of the different types of courage that exist in the world and how it has been shown in TKAM.  You need specific quotes (TEXTUAL EVIDENCE) from the novel to use while proving your point.  This should be at least a paragraph in length. I’d suggest the first paragraph should be explaining the type of courage in the world and the second should be that type in the book. (Typed as a comment on this post; write in paragraph format! TIQA!). 

Friday, May 20 Agenda & Homework

}  AoW Reflection: Four paragraph response.  (Yes, you can use “I” in this response)
1.       Pick one point or idea from the article (using textual evidence) to respond to. In your first paragraph, simply explain what you are going to write about. In other words, describe the point you picked , along with the evidence, in an introductory paragraph. This should not include your opinion (yet)
2.       Explain YOUR response to the point. What is your opinion? What questions do you have? How do you feel about this?
3.       Describe how this point relates to To Kill a Mockingbird. Are there similarities? Differences? How would characters from the book likely respond to this point? (you do not have to answer all of these questions, just relate it to the book)
4.       Give at least one sentence of closure, if not a whole paragraph
}  Group Discussion: Chapters 12 & 13 –
Review annotations, questions, etc. with your group.
       Use the Ch 12 & Ch 13 “things to cover” slide as a guide.
       Each group should post TWO post-its
}  Part one Quiz
       Take a quiz that another student wrote yesterday.
       Grade the quiz if another student took the one you wrote.
}  Group Discussion : Chapters 14 & 15 –
Review annotations, questions, etc. with your group.
}  “Courage” post: If there is time, start (& finish?) this.
Instructions are on the blog under “Courage Post”. It will be completed in class on Monday if Mr. Kinney says you didn’t have time today.
}  Hwk: chapter 16-17,  annotations (6 total) + discussion question (focus question topics, especially courage, empathy, discrimination)
}  Presentations on Monday (we will try to do 4 or 5)

       Block 1: Tony, Macy, Lorena, Alicia, Luke A., Reis, Evan
Block 3: Caleb, Noah, Rachel, Kaitlin,  Gracie B,  Rylee, Scott

Thursday, May 19 Agenda

}  Bell Ringer: Part One Review Questions  - Students Write Questions
       Create at least 10
       Use all of the Ws and How
       Cover all of the big ideas/issues of pt 1 (at least 4 Q’s connect to focal pts)
}  Presentations (2 or 3)
}  Homework: Read ch 14 and 15, annotate + one question
}  Friday: AoW Reflection (in-class), Review Questions

}  Monday: Next presentations:
Block 1: Tony, Macy, Lorena, Alicia, Luke A., Reis, Evan
Block 3: Caleb, Noah, Ashley, Rachel, Kaitlin,  Gracie B,  Rylee, Scott

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wednesday, May 18 Agenda & Homework

}  Bell Ringer: AoW Discussion / Reflections will be written IN CLASS on Friday
}  Social Awareness Presentations
}  Two question “quiz” (next slide) 
1.       Why does Atticus force Jem to read to Mrs. Dubose?
2.       What was Mrs. Dubose really trying to do while Jem was reading to her?
}  Writing Section: Is Jem a hero? Is Jem courageous? How, why, what’s the difference?
}  Begin Discussion with small group then Discuss ch 10 and 11 as a large group
       add Atticus’/Maudie’s mockingbird quote to notes or words of wisdom –each person needs to write one additional quote on your WoW sheet, Discuss each person’s discussion question and annotations
}  Homework: Read ch 12 and 13, annotations, 1 discussion question
}  Next presentations:
       Block 1: Eli, Justin P., Jenna, Tony, Macy, Lorena, Alicia, Luke A.

       Block 3: Wyatt, Caleb J., Alethea, Noah, Ashley, Rachel

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tuesday, May 17 Agenda & Homework

*         First: Teen Issue Presentations
*         Annotation check: find your discussion question and show it to me when I come to you while you are writing: 
*         In Writer’s Notebook:  What kind of a narrator is Scout? Should we believe what she tells us? Why? Why do you think Harper Lee chose to tell the story this way? 
*         Small Group discussion of 8-9
*         Discuss annotations and focus points, then WN entry
*         Focus question addition: –each group shows me their BEST ideas, and post it once approved.
*         Large group discussion: Scout as narrator; turning point of the plot
*     Homework: Chapters 10&11, annotations (6 total) and discussion question

*         Next Presentations:
Block 1 = Nate, Joey, Katie B., Grace L., Eli, Justin P.,
Block 2= Mackinzie, Olivia, Gracie G, Cloey, David M., Taylor E.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday, May 16 Agenda and Homework

}  Bell Ringer – Get new AoW (annotations due Wed / Reflection due Fri)
}  Annotation check – have your book & discussion question out for me to check (Ch 6 & 7 + one discussion question)
}  Discuss discussion questions from Friday (ch 4&5) and then 6 and 7 with small group
}  Block ONE - Ch 4&5 Discussion questions:
       What do you think the significance of the gum and pennies is?
       Boo Radley seems to show up in every chapter. Why do you think Harper Lee decided to have this happen?
       Why doesn’t Boo come out of his house? Do you think Boo will eventually come out? Explain.
       Do you think Scout has a crush on Dill?
}  Block THREE – Ch 4&5 Discussion questions:
       How do you think the gifts will come into play later in the book? Who put them there?
       Why does Scout not call Atticus “dad”?
       Is Atticus scared of Boo Radley hurting the kids? Do you think Boo Radley is actually a bad person?
       How would you describe the relationship between Jem and his dad? Why?
}  Block ONE & THREE – Ch 6&7 Discussion questions:
       Who was leaving the gifts, why do you think that?
       Why does Jem go to get the pants? (who sewed the pants?)
       Why did Mr. Nathan fill the knot hole with cement?
       What does Jem realize in 7 that Scout doesn’t?
       How does Jem show coming of age?
}  As you are discussing annotations and these questions, talk about focus points, adding to your notes sheet.
}  You need to write 4 things on posters. Write on your notebook sheet with student names, turn in, AND create your post-its for the posters.
}  We will start presentations tomorrow:
}  HOMEWORK: Read ch 8-9, annotations (min. 6 TOTAL, plus discussion question)

Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday, May 13 Agenda and Homework

}  Bell Ringer: In writing section: What are the three most important events, ideas, details or pieces of information from the first five chapters of TKAM?  Why do you think each one is important? Put annotations & discussion question on desk for checking, work on homework while waiting
}  Explanation of “Words of Wisdom” page & Posters
}  With the group, discuss your writing section entry, your annotations from 4 and 5, and create discussion questions about the first five chapters of the book for a large group discussion 
}  Posters –need to add to at least three
}  Submit your group’s best discussion question (1) from the first 5 chapters
}  Presentations: Will begin Tuesday: PEER REVIEW

}  Homework due Monday: Read ch 6-7: Annotations (6 per chapter = 12) and a quality discussion question 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday, May 12 Agenda & Homework

}  Bell Ringer: Have your book / annotations out for me to check. 

}  In writer’s notebook: What does Atticus mean when he says “If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks.  You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”? (ch 3) Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer.  Does Atticus behave this wayGive an example.
}  Order of presenting (starting Tuesday) - Selected during class
}  Small Group Discussion on ch  2-3, writer’s notebook entry
       Prepare for large group recap
   3 things that happened in each chapter (plot)  … so SIX TOTAL
   3 characters and something about them / description… so THREE
   2 connections to focal points  … so TWO`              
       Self and Peer grade on own (use the rubric in your binder – give me a note with YOUR NAME first + grade, and then your peers + grade)
}  Large Group Discussion
}  Ch 4-5 due Friday: Minimum of six annotations plus one discussion question (something you can ask the group that has more than one specific ‘answer’)
       While reading, look for any words of wisdom, “gifts” focus question, main/important points

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

TKaM - Discussion #1

As your group is discussing today, make sure to keep track of the important ideas, points, and thoughts brought up.  You want to write focus points related things on your focus points sheet.  You should also write things on your article on Harper Lee while you talk about that.  At the end of your discussion, your group needs to post a comment to this blog.

The comment should include:
  • All group member names
  • Two important/interesting points about the chapter/focus points/questions from your discussion
  • Three important/interesting points from the discussion on "A Glimpse of Harper Lee"

Wednesday, May 11 Agenda and Homework

}  Bell Ringer: Discussion Rubric and Procedures
}  First Small Group: Discuss Harper Lee article, most ‘pressing’ questions and all annotations of chapter 1, focus point evidence,
       Group response to Harper Lee article on blog
       Evaluation of peers and self at end of discussion
}  Final (?) work time on Presentation (in class)

}  Hwk: Work on presentation, Chapters 2-3 read with annotations. At least 8 questions, comments, details, or connections to focus points per chapter. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tuesday, May 10 TKaM Work

}  Class discussion on FOCUS POINTS - What are Focus Points? How we use them
}  Read beginning of Chapter 1: start together: Start annotations -aim for at least 8 ?s/comments/details/connections to focus points you are thinking while reading/things that you think may be important later/etc. on the first chapter (in own notebook or on post its), finish on own for homework (can listen to audio as well, look at side of blog for link)
}  Reminder: Close read of “Glimpse of Harper Lee” due tomorrow (AoW annotations)

}  Also, try to have POST ITS for Wednesday as well (or some way of annotating in the book)

Monday, May 9, 2016

TKaM Opinion Survey

Click on this link to take a survey that will help us understand our class' opinions on big ideas from To Kill a Mockingbird:  Online Survey      

For some words, there are definitions in the survey.  Make sure you read the definitions so you know what you are answering!

While taking the survey, pay attention to the questions because at the end, you need to pick one of them and write in your writer's notebook.  Before you click "finish survey," you want to write what the question was, what your response was, and some of the thoughts you have on that question.  Explain why you think what you do, and other ideas you have related to the question.