Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday, May 27 Agenda & Homework

}  Bell Ringer: suffixes (ant, ent, less)
}  Introduce: Analysis paper assignment
–a THEME connected to any focus question more in depth, any idea examined by us as a group or you as an individual (writer’s notebook), any quote, life lesson, real world parallel, etc.
}  WN: Follow the Thesis Steps described  / WRITE YOUR THESIS
1.       Step 1: Choose a topic: To Kill a Mockingbird
2.       Step 2: Focus the topic   “Coming of Age” in To Kill a Mockingbird
3.      Step 3: Narrow the topic further by posing it as a question(s).
    = How does Jem come of age? What specific things force this?
4.      Step 4: Answer the question. The answer is your thesis statement.  (Try a variety of answers. What appeals to you most for your essay topic?)
= In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem shows coming of age as he experiences adults taking actions and making decisions that are wrong and unjust.

…. Then REVISE your statement. Can it be more concise? If you use “AND” - - do you need to?
= In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem shows coming of age as he experiences   realizes adults taking actions and making can make decisions that are wrong and unjust.

Your thesis statement should be clear and direct and should entice your audience to read further. Each subsequent paragraph in the body of you paper should support your thesis statement and prove your claim.
}  Small Group Work:
1.       Hypocrisy from chapter 25 and 26
   In the Hypocrisy Focus Point: What was hypocritical in the chapters that you read last night (think chapter 26)? Why/how would that be considered hypocrisy?
2.       Annotations, Discussion Questions, Focus Points, Chapters 26 & 27
}  Homework: read 28-31(end), annotations, add to focus points, other themes?, discussion question
}  THESIS WRITTEN BY MONDAY NIGHT (so, BEFORE you walk into class on Tuesday)
}  ALSO – begin Topic Sentences

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