Friday, March 23, 2018

Friday, March 23 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Rush to Get Married TIQA (directions also on blog):
Pick one of the reasons for Romeo and Juliet to rush to get married on your own (from the board/your notes) and use specific details from the play (textual evidence) to support your opinion in a TIQA paragraph- type the paragraph for ease in the next step
Work on Connections EC if needed, then read other stories on blogs when you finish (comment if you feel you need to)
}Act 2 Scene 5, 6
Fill out day chart while reading
}In your R&J notes section, write down at least two examples of foreshadowing from Act 2.  We know how the play ends, how is that hinted at in act 2?
}Foreshadowing Discussion
}Talk with partner about movie choices you like and don’t like: what makes you agree or disagree with the director?
}Act 2 Quiz
Finish Rush to Marry TIQA and/or connections assignment when done –connections will be due at the end of class

}Extra Credit Clips presenting Tuesday after break (make sure you share the links for your clips with me)

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Thursday, March 22 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Word Part study time: Test is in five minutes, also you will still need these terms in June for the final!!
When done with the test, turn it in to the crate and work on your blog comments (you should have commented on two stories and replied to comments on your own) or your R&J Connections Paragraphs –then read other people’s stories or your own independent book
}Finish A2S2 new
}In R&J notes (under drawing): Which movie version matches your imagination (of Act 2 Scene 2) and why? Which version matches the mood or feeling of the scene best and why?
}Act 2 Scenes 3 and 4
Add to day chart

}Act 2 quiz tomorrow, R&J Connections due tomorrow

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Wednesday, March 21 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Word Part Studying –Test TOMORROW!
}Finish A2 S2: Check paraphrase
}Add to Big Ideas sheet: love and death –examples from A2 S2
How can this be foreshadowing? 
}Add to notes sheet: who seems to be responsible for what’s going on so far? Discuss with partner as you add
}Discuss with partner and take notes: Why are Romeo and Juliet in such a rush to get married? Share with class
Discussion of Rush to Marry (add your ideas to the board)
}In R&J notes, write down what you feel the mood or tone of A2 S2 is in the book (the feeling, the emotion)
}Continue thinking of the “Why” behind the directors’ choices while you take notes
What is the effect of the choices? What would the director want to be saying, implying?
View Act 2 Scenes 1 and 2
Why does the new one choose to use the pool?

}Blog comments (on two stories, reply to comments) due tomorrow; Connections due Friday; extra credit due Tuesday!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tuesday, March 20 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Word Part Studying!! –test Thursday
}Connections: In writer’s notebook, brainstorm some other books/songs/movies/shows/etc. where any of the ideas of Romeo and Juliet are also seen?
Connections Assignment Explanation:
}**Assignment: Come up with a list of at least 4 movies, books, shows/episodes, songs, etc that have some similarity to R and J.  Write an explanation of how they are the same (specific details, not just the overall basics; therefore it should be a paragraph in length, not just a sentence). Extra Credit: find a clip or clips online that show similarities.
Due Friday (extra credit due Tuesday–not on 3rd Q)
Gnomeo and Juliet (redo of the whole play)

It can also connect to just one aspect of the play: star-crossed love, family feud, hot-headed individuals, etc
}Review Soliloquy and Aside
}Act 2 Scene 1 and 2
Fill out day chart (Early Monday morning but in the Sunday column)
}Act 2 Scene 2
A2S2 Paraphrase
}Work Time: Comment on collaborator’s story, read comments on your story and respond, read a second story and comment (due Thursday), or work on Connections Assignment
Reminder: Connections (minimum 4) and explanations due Friday!!! Clips and presenting for extra credit Tuesday as well! 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Monday, March 19 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots (final slide for quarter)
}Viewing A1S4 and 5
Make sure the notes you are taking are focusing on both similarities and differences and will help you think about WHY directors make the choices they do
}Publishing your work:
Look at the comments/rubric from your perspective story –are you satisfied with the final draft? Are there things you want to fix?
Post your story to your blog and then add ‘media’ to your story

}Homework: Comment on your commenting collaborator’s story (make sure you’ve read it) (follow the commenting guidelines); study for word part test

Friday, March 16, 2018

Friday, March 16 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Act 1 Scene 5
Talk with partner, what does Juliet say at the end of S5 about Romeo/her situation?
}Who Is Responsible/Who Is to Blame? Add to Your Notes
}Big Ideas of R and J sheet –what themes (big ideas, one word or phrase –think of some of those universal ideas from writing the perspective story) are we seeing so far? Brainstorm with neighbor and write them all down
}Act 1 Quiz

When done, turn in to the first folder in the green crate, post your SSR post (directions on my edublogs blog)

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thursday, March 15 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Prefixes
}Finish New A1 S2 and 3
}Romeo and Juliet: Act 1 Scene 4
}Discuss Queen Mab speech pg 960 (end), list the seven types of people she visits and what dreams she brings to each
}Scene 4 foreshadowing (translation) pg 961, how could this show big idea of fate?
}A1S4 Translation answers
}R and J Big Question: Who is to blame? Who is responsible for the fate of individuals? (back of Big Ideas)
}Act 1 Quiz tomorrow (Prologue through Scene 5)
Study for Quiz (everything discussed or in plot/character details fair game for this)

}Read independent book (will do an in-class post tomorrow on it)

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Wednesday, March 14 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Paper (and bibliography) printed out after 10 minutes to be on time (if your bibliography isn’t done, at least turn the paper in now)
Need Title
Write Theme on Rubric
}Grab a literature book
}Staging of Romeo and Juliet
}View Scenes 1, 2, 3: Note sheet
What are the differences? (“old” version to the play, “new” version to the play, old and new to each other)

What choices do the directors make? Why?

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tuesday, March 13 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Final Writer’s Workshop Time: Finish working on your bibliography or helping others with theirs. Time for working on revising. Final draft due tomorrow. Remember your Bibliography/Works Cited page.  Also, it should be in MLA format (look at the handout in your binder/shared with you)
}Finish A1S2
“Day Chart” –fill out Sunday #4 
}Act 1 Scene 3
“Day Chart” Sunday #5 –give details
}Describe Juliet’s nurse (be detailed and specific) and then describe the nurse and Juliet’s relationship (pg 953)
}Venn Diagram Capulet and Lady C on Juliet’s marriage, add to Sunday day chart


Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday, March 12 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: 5 minutes study for word parts
}Writer’s Workshop:
Bibliographic Entries: How to (1st block)
Final Draft with Bibliography due Wednesday
Works Cited/Bibliography Entries reminder:
Alphabetical order! You DO need to add addresses.
Work at whatever step you need to complete (theme tracing, revising for craft/content, revising for editing (and meeting with me), etc. End result: best piece of writing you have ever created)
Peer Edit and Self Edit as you work toward your final draft
Work on your next and final draft using my comments and the comments of peers (as well as your own self-editing)
}Finish A1S1
}Big Idea Sheet: What are some big ideas that we know will be in it based on the prologue and A1S1?
}In RJ Section: Romeo’s opinion on love? Quotes from 948 to show
}R&J: Scene 2

“Day Chart” –fill out Sunday 3  

Friday, March 9, 2018

Friday, March 9 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Prefixes
}Writer’s Workshop:
Perspective Story Rubric reminder
Bibliography: alphabetical order! (4th block only)
Theme Conferences
Work at whatever step you need to complete (revising for craft/content, revising for editing (and meeting with me), etc. End result: best piece of writing you have ever created)
Pink: basic conventions (punctuation (other than commas), capitalization, etc.) fluency
Yellow: things that are in your editing section: sentence structure (fragment/run-on, comma splice, commas), dialogue format, verb tense, etc.
}Day Chart: How to use
}Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Scene 1
Take notes on what we discuss, there will be a quiz at end of each act
942 -945
Who would Prince be today? Pay attention to when he comes into the play. What did he say? (1st block only)

Brawl Draw

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Thursday, March 8 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
}Comments on Blog Posts (read comments on yours, respond, fix post if needed)
}Upload your most current draft to the assignment in Turnitin then print off your story (hopefully you have worked on revising it, so it isn’t the same version as last week)
Theme tracing –what is your theme? Where is it alluded to? What details build your message? –highlight all pieces of theme as you develop it (think of “The Sniper”)
Also use printed copy for editing
Once you have highlighted the whole story, bring it back to meet with me
}Writer’s Workshop time
Work on what you need to do to make this story the best piece of writing you have done
Third/fourth draft –fluency self-edit
}Finish Prologue

Sonnet Definition

Friday, March 2, 2018

Friday, March 2 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: AoW ‘Discussion’
Go to collaborator’s blog, read their post.  You need to write a comment on their post that is at least 4 sentences in length (aim for more).
Reply to the comment made on your post (should be at least two sentences in length), then read through other classmates’ posts, commenting on at least two and TYING IN OTHER IDEAS FROM THE ARTICLE!
}Go to Reader’s Notebook –make a Romeo and Juliet Section
}Terms and Discussion
Discussion of Video Preview
Cross check your definitions
}Writer’s Workshop:
Come up with a specific plan of attack for one of your areas of concern
Sign up for a conference with me to talk about the plan
Work on REVISING your story (think of the questions from yesterday and human experience, and from the suggestions you just brainstormed, etc)
Remember, part of revising is often DELETING things, not just adding
Universal theme? What are your plans for including it?
Editing Draft:
Pink: basic conventions (punctuation (other than commas), capitalization, etc.) fluency
Yellow: things that are in your editing section: sentence structure (fragment/run-on, comma splice, commas), dialogue format, verb tense, etc.

As you work on your story, our third draft is going to focus on Universal Themes and Fluency

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Thursday, March 1 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Grab a Lit Book
}Literary Terms pg 930 and 932
1{Soliloquy, Dramatic Irony,  and Aside}, 2{Tragic Hero, Antagonist, and Pun}, 3{Foil, Allusion, and Comic Relief}, 4{Iambic Pentameter and Blank Verse}
Need definition, examples given in explanation and possibly examples from other books/movies/sources
Type it in a Google Document
}Character Questions: become the main character from your perspective story and answer the questions on the sheet.  Make sure you answer at least 8 of them; everyone needs to answer #3, #8, #9, #13 and #14.
}If time, discuss your answers with the person sitting next to you
}Writer’s Workshop
Finish small group discussion of “-” suggestions and share with large group
Work on your draft (making it better, starting with the ‘-’ column ideas or other places you know you need to work
Conferences with me: when you have an idea how you are going to work on one of your ‘-’ notes, sign up for a conference/come up to me and we’ll meet on what you are planning to do (and I’ll answer any questions you have)
Continuing with Revising and working on your story
Start fixing your story from an editing perspective as well.  I will be reading through tonight for that, and you want me to get as far as possible when I hit six highlighted errors.
Editing Draft:
Pink: basic conventions (punctuation (other than commas), capitalization, etc.) fluency

Yellow: things that are in your editing section: sentence structure (fragment/run-on, comma splice, commas), dialogue format, verb tense, etc.