Thursday, March 27, 2014

Romeo and Juliet's Fast Moving Relationship

Pick the top reason you believe Romeo and Juliet are in such a rush to get married.  This should be a reason that you have at least one piece of textual evidence to prove.  Write a paragraph on your blog that explains why they are in such a rush, using TIQA paragraph format.

You need a topic sentence (where you say what the reason is), an introduction to the quote (where you say when it is said and who says it), a quote (the piece of textual evidence you found to support the reason), and analysis (an explanation of why that quote proves your reason.

When you put in a quote, you need to have after it a citation (Act, Scene, line #). So it would look something like this: "It is my soul that calls upon my name" (II, ii, 165).

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Commenting Assignment

Step One: Pick a story to comment on in depth (it could be one of the ones that you read yesterday but try to find one you haven't commented on).

Step Two: Check the previous post on my blog for the assigned story you will be commenting on.

Step Three: Begin with the one you are assigned and answer these prompts for their story:

1. Overall, what is the best quality/characteristic of this story? It could be its characters, the conflict, the resolution, the description of the setting, the story arc, use of dialogue, etc. Use specific details and references to the story (quotes from the story/textual evidence) to fully explain yourself.

2. What is the story's theme? What details does the author include throughout that leads to the fully expressed theme in the end? (Give examples of how you see the theme in the beginning, middle and end of the story; if you don't, comment that you don't see examples in a section)

3. What is your personal reaction to the story? How do you feel after reading it? What do you remember? What images do you see? What did you learn about the situation/place/conflict? (You don't have to answer all of these, just write a paragraph of reflection/reaction to the story)

4. What was your favorite part of the story? Pick a line that you liked, put it into the comment box, put quotes around it, and explain what it was about it that stood out to you.

5. If the author were to make this better, they could... (finish this statement with as much specific detail as possible)

Each of your answers should be a short paragraph or so in length (this means you will be writing five answers/ five paragraphs).  You need to use proper spelling and grammar when writing your answers/critiques of your classmates' writing.  You will be picking one story to comment on and you will be randomly assigned another (this means you will write full comments on two different people's stories).  Make sure your comments, even if they are more critical, are phrased in a positive manner.  Be as specific as possible in your comments, both for your commenting grade and for the benefit of the author.

You should, to be safe, write your responses in a document (word or google doc) and then paste them into a comment on their blog.  This way, if Blogger thinks you are a robot, all of your work won't be lost.

Step Four: Do the same thing for the story you chose.

Step Five: Make sure this is done by Friday when you walk in to class.

You need to have your comments done by Friday, before class begins.

content adapted from

Who's story are you commenting on?

Kayla and Holly
Nicholas and Austin
Rhiana and Tyler
Kasja and Maddie
Devin and Matthew
Adam reads Garrett's
Garrett reads William's
William reads Adam's

If your story is posted and you are not listed here, please let me know.  If your story isn't done, please work on it.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Monday's Commenting Homework

Today you need to read through four of your peers' stories.  You can pick who you read, but if you could, try to make it so everyone has at least one person comment on their story.

For each story that you read, you should leave a short comment.  You should tell them one thing that you liked and one thing that you think they could continue to work on as they head toward the final draft.

Tomorrow we will get a more in depth commenting assignment, so make sure this gets done before then.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Shakespeare Intro Quiz

This is a quick open notes quiz on the basic background of Shakespeare.  *******When you are done, please copy and paste the entire quiz (your answers as well as your score) into a document and share it with me.********* 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Shakespeare Preview

Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet

Use the following sites and videos to help you answer the five questions below.  You can watch the videos as many times as needed.  Make sure your answers are complete, many answers will come from more than just one of these sources.

Websites and YouTube videos: folger video stop at 3:10ish: not working at the moment...

replacement video:

1. Who is Shakespeare?

2. Why are his works read and performed so many years after they were written?

3. How did he influence the English Language?

4. Why does he write the way he does (images, words)?

5. How could things written hundreds of years ago connect to today?

***You received these questions on a sheet in class, please write your answers on that sheet, but use this post as a way to easily access the sites and videos.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Creating a blog

While we are working on our perspective stories, we will also be creating and posting on a blog.  This is where you will explain what your story is going to be about and you will also post additional information to help people get a better picture of what you are researching/writing about.  We will also be using it throughout the semester on other topics.

Here are the directions:
1. Go to Google
2. Click on the squares in the upper right corner, then click on more
3. You should see an icon for Blogger, click on that.
4. Using your school Google account, create a blog.  Your URL (address) needs to be your first name, last initial and English 9.  Give your blog a title that is something creative along with your name
5. Email your URL (blog address) to me at
6. Tomorrow we will be creating a list of blogs with all of your classmates' blogs

Your first post needs to be this: explain your perspective that your story will be in and then give a short explanation of what will be happening in your story.  This needs to be done before you begin writing in class.