Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, Sept. 22 Agenda

}Bell Ringer:  With your partner, brainstorm what you think was going through Fortunato’s mind as Montressor was building the wall in the story yesterday ("Cask of Amontillado")
}Write Fortunato’s monologue –in writer’s notebook
Like SoT, but you are NOT changing anything, just writing from a different perspective.
What goes through his mind (as well as what he may say) when he realizes what’s going on and on to the end. Start his story from any point: as he’s walking down, once he gets chained, as the wall is being built.
Keep the same POV throughout (1st Person) –Fortunato talking/thinking, you only know what he knows
Keep the character of Fortunato the same as in the story –show his feelings through what he says/does/thinks-
Descriptive details of setting and mood as well
Write for the entire time given
}Share your monologue and as you are reading your partner’s, underline 2-3 sentences that you feel best show the ability to use descriptive words to develop the story
Be prepared to explain why the sentences demonstrate the objective

}Definition of Theme, pg 402 –notes in glossary (T page)

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