Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday, Oct. 8 Agenda

}Bell RingerDiscuss the English test from this morning
}Get your computer (or go get a computer), log on, finish taking notes on sources: Anything that helps answer “What is it like to be    in   ?” –what aspect of the life of that person/group do you not know yet? Find answers!
}Final class research time (+/- 45 min)
You need to have at least one video that you are using as a resource.  Look through the videos on BBC and Reuters before going to YouTube or just searching the web
Remember, you are going to become a person with this perspective, so get as much information as you can to help you write AS a/the person in the situation/event/issue
}Research Writing Project guidelines
}First Person –you ARE the person (I, me, my, we)
}Realistic Fiction –it is set in the area/situation you researched, based in REALITY
}Possible Approaches:
Memoir –autobiographical writing that shares narrator’s personal experience
Diary entries
Letters to someone
}Shows a specific day/series of days or event or issue
}Not overly filled with statistics (more like fiction, less like non fiction)
}Shows a universal theme/common issue of human experience through the thoughts, feelings, actions, plot that you put your narrator in/give your narrator
}First Person Accounts: chart and question
}Organize your notes, figuring out what event/situation/issue you are going to be writing about first

}SSR letter due tomorrow!

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