Friday, December 21, 2018

Friday, Dec. 21 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Find 2 courage posts on the blogs of individuals reading a different book than you, read their paragraphs and comment about how your book has a similar type of courage seen, or connect to their para in a different way
}10 minutes reading
}Big Idea writing: Pick 1 comp book to write in
Can be about your book club book or another book you have read THIS SEMESTER
Pick a Big Idea you think is in the book
Write about how your book shows that idea in a way that DOESN’T spoil anything
These notebooks will be kept FOREVER by me, and people will read them while looking for a book, while connecting their books to others, etc.

}PSAs: Emma S., Emma D., Abbee

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thursday, Dec. 20 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Suffixes
}10 minutes reading
}Meeting #6
Need to do Meeting 6 Individual Report through google classroom
}Make sure your Courage TIQA is posted on YOUR blog
}PSA work time (all need to be shared with/emailed to me by the end of work time/this evening/before class starts tomorrow)

I will also collect your rubric when your video is shown (make sure you have it)

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Wednesday, Dec. 19 Agenda

With many people gone with choir, we used today as a work day.  Here are some reminders:

}Bell Ringer: Make sure your courage TIQA is posted to your blog.
}Independent reading time –BE PREPARED FOR MEETING 6 TOMORROW
}PSA work time (final class time)

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tuesday, Dec. 18 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
}Collect ‘quizzes’
}In book club section/notebook/where you are keeping your annotations: IN LIFE: What factors influence our moral growth? What kinds of experiences help us learn how to judge right from wrong?
}15 minutes independent reading time (track areas of moral growth of your main character; track courage)
I will check your annotations for Meeting 5 at this point
}Courage TIQA para
Brainstorming types of courage together
Write paragraph, making sure to ANALYZE NOT summarize
}Courage: Based on your big idea tracking, explain (in paragraph form) one of the different types of courage that exist in the world and how it has been shown in your book.  You need specific quotes from the novel to use while proving your point.  This should be at least a paragraph in length. I’d suggest the first part of the paragraph should be explaining the type of courage in the world and the second should be that type in the book. (write in paragraph format! TIQA x1 at least!).
}In-text Citation: (Lee 33).
When done, post it to your blog –due Thursday
}PSA work time

Videos due Thursday end of block (email links to me)

Friday, December 14, 2018

Friday, Dec. 14 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Suffixes
}Big Idea Paragraph:
Pick one of the 30ish big ideas on the sheets taped to the board.  On a document or piece of paper, write that word or phrase, and then explain how the book you are reading shows that big idea. 
What is your author saying about it based on what is happening/what people are saying/what it makes you think/etc. 
If you can find evidence to support yourself, that would be great. 
This should be a longer paragraph in length. 
}15 minutes reading -look for big ideas, WoW, discussion question topics, etc
Social Issue PSA work time
At this point you should be working on your script and storyboard (I’d like to see one or the other by the end of the block). Presentations of PSAs begin in less than a week!
Works Cited Page (due when you present) so keep track of where your info is coming from
Remember, you need images, videos?, audio files, you don’t just want words on the screen (but you do need some words on the screen)

USE the RUBRIC to check if you are doing things correctly!!

MEETING #5 ON MONDAY!!!!  Be prepared with LOTS of annotations!!!!  (Big Ideas, WoW, Discussion Questions, etc.)

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Thursday, Dec. 13 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Using the Q-chart, make a 7 question quiz on the first half of your book.  Create questions in all parts of the chart (comprehension and discussion); think of ‘teacher-like’ questions that would cover all important aspects of the book so far
}10 minutes reading -look for big ideas, WoW, discussion question topics, etc
}Quiz Exchange (due Friday)
}Social Issue PSA work time
At this point you should be working on your script and storyboard and/or filming/putting it together
Works Cited Page (due when you present) so keep track of where your info is coming from
Remember, you need images, videos?, audio files, you don’t just want words on the screen (but you do need some words on the screen)

USE the RUBRIC to check if you are doing things correctly!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Wednesday, Dec. 12 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: 15 minutes reading -look for big ideas, WoW, discussion question topics, etc
}Social Issue PSA work time
Next Step: Go through your notes and figure out what your focus is going to be for your PSA –what is something tied to your theme that teens need awareness of?
Turn things red that you don’t need, highlight what you want to use.
Start thinking of what you want to talk about/show/etc.
At this point you should be working on your script and storyboard
Works Cited Page (due when you present) so keep track of where your info is coming from
Remember, you need images, videos?, audio files, you don’t just want words on the screen (but you do need some words on the screen)

USE the RUBRIC to check if you are doing things correctly!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Tuesday, Dec. 11 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: 20 minutes reading -look for big ideas, WoW, discussion question topics, etc 
}Read your section
Big Ideas (especially those on the sheet from today)
Words of Wisdom
PAGE NUMBERS!!! (if not post its)
}Create 2 DISCUSSION questions (lower right corner of the Q-Chart)
}PSA Guidelines
}Scripting and Storyboarding
Next Step: Go through your notes and figure out what your focus is going to be for your PSA –what is something tied to your theme that teens need awareness of?
Turn things red that you don’t need, highlight what you want to use.
Start thinking of what you want to talk about/show/etc.
Works Cited Page (due when you present) so keep track of where your info is coming from
Remember, you need images, videos?, audio files, you don’t just want words on the screen (but you do need some words on the screen)

USE the RUBRIC to check if you are doing things correctly!!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Monday, Dec. 10 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Suffixes
}Online Survey: Go to Google Classroom or my edublogs blog. Click on the “Big Ideas Survey” link.  When you are done answering all questions, pick one of them and write your thoughts about it in your writer’s notebook (at least a paragraph).
}10 minutes reading
}Q-Chart and Epiphanies

}Read your section
Big Ideas (especially those on the sheet from today)
Words of Wisdom
PAGE NUMBERS!!! (if not post its)
}Create 2 DISCUSSION questions (lower right corner of the Q-Chart)

Friday, December 7, 2018

Friday, Dec. 7 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Word Parts (roots)
}15 minutes reading time: Section 3- mark big ideas you are seeing in your reading (use the universal theme sheet if needed)
}PSA Analysis discussion
Find the other person who evaluated the same one (assigned)
Discuss your notes and figure out what you will say to the whole class about it after we all watch it on Friday

}What should a Public Service Announcement Do/Have/Be?
Homework: Section 3 reading of your book club book (and mark for big ideas); make sure your research notes are done and pick an issue from it to focus your PSA on next week

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thursday, Dec. 6 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Pivotal Moments
Under your identity chart from yesterday, brainstorm a list of moments, events, ideas, etc that you feel have been important in your life
Pick the 2 that you feel are the most pivotal (a turning point to who you are today): one that is within your control, one that was not
}10 minutes reading (today we have to only have 10, but if your notes are done for the research, you can read more later)
Consult the meeting agenda link in Google Classroom (it’s the same link as meeting 1)

}Continue/Finish notes on your theme/issue today notes –you are looking for a specific issue for your PSA… NOTES ARE DUE FRIDAY!!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wednesday, Dec. 5 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: PSA Analysis
Evaluate 5 and 6 together (whole class)
Evaluate your assigned # plus a second.  Be prepared to share your answers with a partner (and then the whole class) tomorrow
}10 Minutes Reading Time -make sure you are at where you need to be for meeting #2!!!
}Research Work Time
}Research/Project work time
Continue notes, look on your rubric (IDEAS section) if you aren’t sure what to take notes on
Work time today, maybe some on Thursday, by Friday you need to be prepared to make your video

Finish all Notes: At this point you should be done reading through your sources and writing notes (AS IN DONE WITH STEP 3 ON THE BOARD) If not, FINISH for HOMEWORK

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Tuesday, Dec. 4 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Meeting 1/Reading time –if you were gone yesterday, or planned your meeting today, you will have your book club meeting.  If you met yesterday, you have time to read (or work on your notes after 10 min)
}Research/Project work time
Continue notes, look on your rubric (IDEAS section) if you aren’t sure what to take notes on

Work time today, Tuesday, Wednesday, maybe some on Thursday, by Friday you need to be prepared to make your video 

Monday, December 3, 2018

Monday, Dec. 3 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: 10 Minutes Reading Time (choices: read what is due today/tomorrow, read what is assigned for Thursday, read your choice book)
}WN: Brainstorm ideas for these questions: What is identity? To what extent do we determine our own identities? What influence does society have?
Identity Chart
“Stories We Tell Ourselves
For question 3, consult your identity chart rather than make a new list, and then answer the questions based on your chart
When you finish the 4 questions, work on your research notes
}Meeting 1
See Google Classroom for meeting agenda link
}Research Time
Continue notes, look on your rubric (IDEAS section) if you aren’t sure what to take notes on

Work time today, Tuesday, Wednesday, maybe some on Thursday, by Friday you need to be prepared to make your video 

Friday, November 30, 2018

Friday, Nov. 30 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
}Book Club Books: 10 min reading
Meet with partner/group after time to set up calendar and talk about expectations
If necessary (as in you don’t have 15 sources): Continue researching: you want a lot of different texts (articles, audio clips, video clips, pictures, etc) that show the importance of your theme/issue (you should be looking during your research for an issue/problem/negative situation connected to your theme)
Rubric (Ideas Part)
How to take notes
If a site doesn’t work for you, just mark it as such, don’t erase it
Copy/paste, write in own words, etc.
Keep track of what info comes from where
Copied pictures, graphs, etc count as notes too
Begin or continue notes, look on your rubric if you aren’t sure what to take notes on
Make sure you have images and possibly video clips to use in presentation

}You should have at least 1/4th of your notes done by end of class!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thursday, Nov. 29 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Get outline for essay out/print it out (do this quickly and quietly)
}My movie essay outline: “How-to” explanation of paragraph
}Essay Test: All essays must be done by the end of the block
Your essay should have either four paragraphs (2 body paragraphs with TIQA run twice) or six paragraphs (4 body paragraphs with TIQA run once)
Conclusion: Restated thesis and closure to overall idea
At the end of the block (when I ask) staple outline and paper to rubric to turn in (first folder in green crate)
}Research next step
Questions and Key Terms
8 Research questions with key terms highlighted
Should be done after 10 minutes
Potential Sources (need at least 15, aim for more): These should be on the same document as the questions and key terms.  You need to start at EBSCOhost (use the link from Google Classroom
Today’s goals:
Questions and Key Terms
Absolute minimum 15 potential sources (aim for more)
Videos, first person info, images, as well as articles
You should have at least 15 (hopefully closer to 20) potential sources by the middle of the block tomorrow
Continue researching: you want a lot of different texts (articles, audio clips, video clips, pictures, etc) that show the importance of your theme/issue (you should be looking during your research for an issue/problem/negative situation connected to your theme)
If you have 15-20 sources, start taking notes. Think about your research questions and your final goal, and take notes that help you achieve your purpose. Make sure that the sources you take notes on are reliable

}Your final goal is to present your findings to the class in a PSA video in order to give your peers an awareness of issues affecting teens in society today

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wednesday, Nov. 28 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Take out TIQA notes from Craft Lesson Section
}TIQA areas of improvement (add to TIQA notes sheet) 
}HOW EXACTLY does your evidence prove what you say it does?
}Transition between examples
}Intro: context= who said it, when, to whom, where, etc
}No personal pronouns (I, me, you, we, etc.)
}In-text citations are a must (no period before them)
}Keep the order (your analysis MUST go after the quote, not before)
}Outline to Essay
Writing a body paragraph from an outline (Who is Responsible outline)
I do then you do
Check partner’s paragraph, offer suggestions/assistance/praise
Get out YOUR Outline for the movie essay
Finishing Outline (Intro and Conclusion sections)
Mrs. Johnson checks body of outline
Is your outline ready to write an essay Thursday? If so, read your book; if not, work on your outline OUTLINE DUE TOMORROW!!!!!!!
}Current Teen Issues in Romeo and Juliet Research:
}*Universal Theme
}*At least three lines from the play that show your theme (aim for more if possible)
}***Create some questions that will guide your research: I ask, how is your theme relevant to teens today?  You need to research this, so what are some questions or key words that you will use to research?
}Begin researching: you want a lot of different texts (articles, audio clips, video clips, pictures, etc) that show the importance of your theme/issue (you should be looking during your research for an issue/problem/negative situation connected to your theme)
}Your final goal is to present your findings to the class in order to give your peers an awareness of issues affecting teens in society today
Issues tied to themes: Examples from last semester
Textual Evidence (at least three)
Should be done
Questions and Key Terms
8 Research questions with key terms highlighted

Should be done by tomorrow

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tuesday, Nov. 27 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Universal Themes/Topic
Brainstorm with partner, then small group to create a list of AT LEAST 9 (universal theme that is in Romeo and Juliet and is relevant to teens today): post to Schoology
How do each of the themes drive the characters and plot? (talk about this)
Read what is posted to Schoology
}“How To” questions and key terms for R&J Universal Theme/Social Issue Project
Need your theme and 3 pieces of evidence from R and J where your theme can be seen by tomorrow
}Current Teen Issues in Romeo and Juliet
Find your theme in the play (at least three pieces of textual evidence): due after 20-30 minutes
}Book Meeting
}Textual Evidence for the Essay

}Body Paragraph Section of Outline
Body section of outline due by tomorrow

Monday, November 26, 2018

Monday, November 26 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
}Book Speed Dating (picking a book for book clubs)
}Creating an Outline for the essay –next slide
}Outline Discussion (?)
Time to work on BODY of outline: YOU MUST HAVE YOUR TOPIC, 2 SIMILARITIES and 2 DIFFERENCES by the beginning of class!!!!!!!
Check blog for helpful tips and links
}Essay portion of the test on Thursday
}OUTLINE due end of class tomorrow
}Universal Big Idea: Love and Hate
Examples of themes/big ideas from sheet
Whole class example, then:
On the Big Idea sheet, write how you’ve seen the topics by turning them into themes.  Theme: big idea plus something about it/message (potential idea, combine big ideas together)
Brainstorm with partner, then small group to create a list of AT LEAST