Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday, Oct. 30 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Study time for WORD PART TEST! (On MONDAY!!!): Turn in SSR letter!
}Viewing A1S4 and 5
Make sure the notes you are taking are focusing on both similarities and differences and will help you think about WHY directors make the choices they do
}Review Soliloquy and Aside
}Act 2 Scene 1 and 2

A2S2 Paraphrase

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Romeo and Juliet Connections Assignment

}Assignment: Come up with a list of at least 4 movies, books, shows/episodes, songs, etc that have some similarity to R and J.  Write an explanation of how they are the same (specific details, not just the overall basics; therefore it should be a shorter paragraph in length, not just a sentence). Extra Credit: find a clip or clips online that show similarities and be prepared to present the clips and explanations to the class. Or write a fifth and/or sixth example of a connection.
Due Wednesday
Gnomeo and Juliet (redo of the whole play):
The movie Gnomeo and Juliet connects with Romeo and Juliet in many many ways.  (This would be the topic sentence of my paragraph where I explain the connections in detail)

It can also connect to just one aspect of the play: star-crossed love, family feud, hot-headed individuals, etc
Think about connecting plot points, characters, big ideas, etc.

Thursday, Oct. 29 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Study time for Word Part Test
}Big Ideas of R and J sheet creation –what themes (big ideas, one word or phrase –think of some of those universal ideas from the sheet you have) are we seeing so far? Brainstorm with neighbor and write them all down
}Talk with partner, what does Juliet say at the end of S5 about Romeo/her situation?
}Look up the definition of foil (in RJ section).  Then write down who is a foil to Juliet and who is a foil to Romeo and why.  If you need more detail on foils, look at page 930 in the book.
}Connections: In writer’s notebook, brainstorm some other books/songs/movies/shows/etc. where the idea of Romeo and Juliet also seen?
Assignment Explanation (next slide)
}Act 1 Quiz

When done, turn in to crate/folder and read your own book/write SSR letter or work on your connections assignment (4 connections, can do more for e.c. and explanation for each)

SSR letter due tomorrow!
Connections assignment due Wednesday (see the Connections Assignment post for directions)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday, Oct. 28 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Study time for word part test
}Romeo and Juliet: Act 1 Scene 4
}Allusion –review the definition in notes
Queen Mab Speech turn to page 960 and in writer’s notebook draw Queen Mab and her coach (be specific)
}Discuss Queen Mab speech pg 960 (end), list the seven types of people she visits and what dreams she brings to each
}Scene 4 foreshadowing (translation) pg 961, how could this show theme of fate?
}Act 1 Scene 5
}Act 1 Quiz tomorrow (Prologue through Scene 5)
Study for Quiz (everything discussed or in play fair game for this)
Study for word part test

Read your own book

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday, Oct. 27 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
}Grab a literature book
}View Scenes 1, 2, 3: Note sheet
What are the differences? (“old” version to the play, “new” version to the play, old and new to each other)

What choices do the directors make? Why?

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday, Oct. 26 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Paper (and bibliography) printed out before class starts to be on time (if your bibliography isn’t done, at least turn the paper in now)
}R and J Big Question: Who is to blame? Who is responsible for the fate of individuals? Start a page in your R and J section where you will add writing about this/notes
}Act 1 Scene 3
}Describe Juliet’s nurse (be detailed and specific) and then describe the nurse and Juliet’s relationship (pg 953)
}Venn Diagram Capulet and Lady C on Juliet’s marriage, add to Sunday day chart
}Staging of Romeo and Juliet
}View Scenes 1, 2, 3: Note sheet
What are the differences? (“old” version to the play, “new” version to the play, old and new to each other)

What choices do the directors make? Why?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday, Oct. 22 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Prefixes
}Final Draft with Bibliography due Monday
Works Cited/Bibliography Entries
Alphabetical order! You DO need to add addresses.
}Writer’s Workshop
Peer Edit and Self Edit as you work toward your final draft
Work on your next and final draft using my comments and the comments of peers (as well as your own self-editing)
Bibliography: alphabetical order!
If you need to meet with me, please do
Time for working on revising, final draft due Monday
If you need a break, work on your AoW Reflection
}Finish A1 S1

}In RJ Section: Romeo’s opinion on love? Quotes from 948 to show 

AoW Reflection due tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday, Oct. 21 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Prefixes
}Sonnet Definition
}Finishing Prologue
}Background: Renaissance, Italy
}Day Chart
}Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Scene 1
Take notes on what we discuss, there will be a quiz at end of each act
Who would Prince be today? Pay attention to when he comes into the play. What did he say?
“Day Chart” –fill out beginning of Sunday
}Writer’s Workshop:
Work at whatever step you need to complete (theme tracing, revising for craft/content, revising for editing (and meeting with me), etc. End result: best piece of writing you have ever created)
Pink: basic conventions (punctuation (other than commas), capitalization, dialogue format, verb tense shifting)

Yellow: fluency, sentence structure (fragment/run-on, comma splice, commas)


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday, Oct. 20 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Sentences from board
}Character Questions: become the main character from your perspective story and answer the questions on the sheet.  Make sure you answer at least 8 of them; everyone needs to answer #3, #8, #9, #13 and #14.
}Writer’s Workshop:
Work at whatever step you need to complete (revising for craft/content, revising for editing (and meeting with me), etc. End result: best piece of writing you have ever created)
Pink: basic conventions (punctuation (other than commas), capitalization, dialogue format, verb tense shifting)
Yellow: fluency, sentence structure (fragment/run-on, comma splice, commas)
}Print off your story (hopefully you have worked on revising it, so it isn’t the same version as Thursday)
Theme tracing –what is your theme? Where is it alluded to? What details build your message? –highlight all pieces of theme as you develop it (think of “The Sniper”)

AoW Close Read due tomorrow!!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday, Oct. 19 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
}Romeo and Juliet Section of Reader’s Notebook
}Jigsaw Terms pg 930 and 932
1{Soliloquy and Aside}, 2{Tragic Hero, Antagonist and Pun}, 3{Foil and Comic Relief}, 4{Dramatic Irony and Allusion}
Need definition, examples given in explanation and possibly examples from other books/movies/sources
Read your AoW while you wait for all to be done (close read due Wednesday)
}Presenting Terms to group
Meet with others of the same number to make sure you all have the defn.
Present to the class
}Syllables, Iambic Pentameter, and Blank Verse
}Read through Prologue

Rhyme Scheme

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday, Oct. 15 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Discussion of Shakespeare notes
}Go to the most recent post on my blog to take Shakespeare Intro quiz
}Writer’s Workshop
Once you’ve submitted your quiz, open your story, find a sentence with highlighting in your draft and write it on the board (underline what is highlighted)
Continuing with Revising and working on your story
Second draft –editing draft:
Pink: basic conventions (punctuation (other than commas), capitalization, dialogue format, verb tense shifting)

Yellow: fluency, sentence structure (fragment/run-on, comma splice, commas)

Shakespeare Intro Quiz

To take the Shakespeare Intro Quiz (which is open notes), click on this link:

When done, follow these directions EXACTLY, or I won't get your quiz and you'll have to do it again.
1. Click Check when you are done
2. Click "OK"
3. Copy the entire quiz: from "your score is..." on the top, through the entire document, to"torn down" at the bottom.
4. Create a Google Document and share it with me
5. Paste what you copied onto that document (your score and the words of the quiz with your answers)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wednesday, Oct. 14 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Grab a literature book
}“Shakespeare’s World”
Read and take notes pg 926-929
Take detailed notes as there will be an open notes quiz (after discussion)
}Post two pieces of information from reading on board, then post one of your – comments and one of your + comments from you draft on the other board
}Writer’s Workshop
Large group discussion on advice for ‘–’ column issues
Revising your draft based on comments

Editing Draft: While working on revising for craft, you also should be looking at editing.  Share your draft with me and tonight/tomorrow I will read for editing issues (explanation of editing draft): Reshare it with me, titled: Story Title: EDITING DRAFT

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday, Oct. 13 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
}Shakespeare Intro: The info from this can be used for the quiz, as well as today’s reading
Partner or Alone, the videos aren’t chronological with the questions
Make sure each question has lots of details underneath.  You don’t want one answer, you want lots of ideas from different videos/article
Extra Credit: Post a link to a video you think helps give a better understanding of Shakespeare or his influence or any of the other questions.  Be prepared to explain what you think about it tomorrow!
}Work Time:
Choices: Finish first draft, read independent book
}Discussion on Preview Videos (at 3:15/20)

}Homework: Finish craft draft 1 (if not done yet). Read!!! SSR Letter on Thursday

Links for Shakespeare Preview folger video stop at 3:10ish: start at 7:55, stop at 12:00

Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday, Oct. 12 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: In Writer’s Notebook: What do you know about Shakespeare and/or his works? List anything and everything you can think of about who he was/is, what he wrote, when he wrote, etc.
}SSR Reading Reminder (letter due Thursday since no school on Friday)
}Writer’s Workshop
Narrative Leads: Discuss the beginning of your story with someone/have someone read what you have so far and give suggestions (Narrative Leads and prior examples)
Remember to think of Universal Theme
Make sure you are basing what is happening off your research (do more if needed)
First draft due (Craft Draft) at the end of workshop time (shared with me on Google Docs or emailed to me if you are using Microsoft Word) or by 8 tonight
Work on your first draft, when it is done, write “Completed First Draft” on the top of the document

If you finish your first draft, do a little self-editing/revising, checking for large issues, looking for details that show your theme, checking for details that match research, then you can your book (SSR Letter on THURSDAY)

Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday, Oct. 9 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
}Universal Themes
}Creating a blogger profile
Read the first post and comment there
}Writer’s Workshop:
Get story map checked (if didn’t Thurs.)
Begin writing your rough draft; consult your notes for details and remember the requirements we talked about Wednesday!!
Read through the ideas on my most recent blog post
If you are looking for inspiration, look at some of the blogs of former freshmen
Narrative Lead suggestions
By the end of class today you should have 1/3 to HALF of your draft done (or more)
Rough Draft due end of workshop time Monday or if not done, Tuesday, but we’ll have no work time on it on Tuesday

}If you need a break from writing, read your independent book!! Make sure to turn in your AoW reflection 

Perspective Stories

Post a comment to this post explaining in a few sentences the story you are starting to write today.

Who is it about?
Where does it take place?
What is the situation that is going on?
What are some aspects of the human experience that you will be showing in your plot/character/theme?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thursday, Oct. 8 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Answer this question in your writer’s notebook: Whose perspective are you writing from, what issue/event?
Share with neighbor
}Look through your notes, create a list of the information that you have that you feel could be universal/common in other situations
}Take out the step by step instructions sheet, you should be at the final step now, if not, complete the previous steps to get to the point where you can plan and write a story
}Collaboration time
}Writer’s Workshop
Finish any steps that you haven’t (research, notes, etc)
Story Map or Plot Chart: you need a plan for your story that covers the main points of a short story (like we made for our last story) (DUE TOMORROW AT THE ABSOLUTE LATEST): digital or paper
Your story must have exposition (setting, characters, internal and external conflict), rising actions, climax, falling actions, resolution, universal theme
Begin Rough Draft

}AoW Reflection Due TOMORROW

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday, Oct. 7 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: What do you still need?
} Get your computer, log on, finish taking notes on sources: Anything that helps answer “What is it like to be    in    dealing with   ?” –what aspect of the life of that person/group do you not know yet? Find answers!
}Final class research time (+/- 45 min)
You need to have at least one video that you are using as a resource.  Look through the videos on BBC and Reuters before going to YouTube or just searching the web
Remember, you are going to become a person with this perspective, so get as much information as you can to help you write AS a/the person in the situation/event/issue
}AoW Discussion
}Research Writing Project guidelines
}First Person –you ARE the person (I, me, my, we)
}Realistic Fiction –it is set in the area/situation you researched, based in REALITY
}Possible Approaches:
Memoir –autobiographical writing that shares narrator’s personal experience
Diary entries
Letters to someone
}Shows a specific day/series of days or event or issue
}Not overly filled with statistics (more like fiction, less like non fiction)
}Shows a universal theme/common issue of human experience through the thoughts, feelings, actions, plot that you put your narrator in/give your narrator
}First Person Accounts: Answer the question before you leave
}AoW Reflection due Friday!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday, Oct. 6 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Make sure you have headphones!!
}How to take notes from videos/pictures
}You should begin today with taking notes on at least one video/audio clip
}Research Time:
Step one: finish finding potential sources (You should be done with this)
Step two: weed out your sources and start taking notes on articles (You should be done with at least 5 articles)
Step three: Start taking notes on pictures/slide shows and videos
Step four: Finish taking notes on sources: aim for 9-12 sources with notes
}First Person Accounts Vs. Typical News Stories (Perspective Writing)
Facebook: Humans of New York (refugee perspectives)

}Homework: By tomorrow, have the notes for at least 3/4ths of your sources complete (to be safe, you could have all but one or two, but we’ll have about 45 minutes of time to finish notes tomorrow). Your end goal of sources should be around 9-12 quality, reliable sources with LOTS of notes on each to help you answer your research question and become a person in that place/situation).   Be prepared to share your findings with a group, finish your note taking, and start your writing; AoW Close Read due tomorrow

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday, Oct. 5 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Take out computer, get onto your potential sources document. You must be at this point when the bell rings to be on time.
}Individual Checks: bring computer with potential sources document open up to me when called
}How to take notes
}Research Time:
Step one: finish finding potential sources
Step two: weed out your sources and start taking notes on articles
Step three: Start taking notes on pictures/slide shows and videos
}By the end, you need to have a start on notes on at least five different articles with different information to help you understand your topic
Your goal is to have notes on more than just five (end goal 9-12) and to fully understand the group, situation and place that your question surrounds

}HWK: AoW Close Read. Make sure you are done with notes for at least five sources (or around half of the articles you have)

Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday, Oct. 2 Agenda: Homecoming!

}Bell Ringer: Suffixes
}Rubric, final, SPQ: paper clipped together in that order
}Research Time
Today I need to see:
Topic written out in sentence/question form (what guides your research) What is it like to be        in          dealing with               ?
At least 7 key terms/words/phrases you will use for researching
Around 15 (the more you have the better) articles. On Monday we will begin taking notes the articles (unless you get to 15 by the end of class, then talk to me)
}How to take notes from potential sources

Own words, copy and highlight, copy only important info

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday, Oct. 1 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Prefixes
}Final Writer’s Workshop Time (30 min)
Printed out when you walk in the door!
12 pt font
Readable font
1.5 spaced at least
SPQ and Rubric with the final copy
}Human Experience Internationally
}Researching Informational Texts
How to research
}start browsing news websites ( or for research ideas
}News stories vs. Personal Testimonies
}Research Time
Today I need to see:
Topic written out in sentence/question form (what guides your research) What is it like to be        in               dealing with               ?
Research Document started