Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday, Oct. 20 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Sentences from board
}Character Questions: become the main character from your perspective story and answer the questions on the sheet.  Make sure you answer at least 8 of them; everyone needs to answer #3, #8, #9, #13 and #14.
}Writer’s Workshop:
Work at whatever step you need to complete (revising for craft/content, revising for editing (and meeting with me), etc. End result: best piece of writing you have ever created)
Pink: basic conventions (punctuation (other than commas), capitalization, dialogue format, verb tense shifting)
Yellow: fluency, sentence structure (fragment/run-on, comma splice, commas)
}Print off your story (hopefully you have worked on revising it, so it isn’t the same version as Thursday)
Theme tracing –what is your theme? Where is it alluded to? What details build your message? –highlight all pieces of theme as you develop it (think of “The Sniper”)

AoW Close Read due tomorrow!!

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