Thursday, October 29, 2015

Romeo and Juliet Connections Assignment

}Assignment: Come up with a list of at least 4 movies, books, shows/episodes, songs, etc that have some similarity to R and J.  Write an explanation of how they are the same (specific details, not just the overall basics; therefore it should be a shorter paragraph in length, not just a sentence). Extra Credit: find a clip or clips online that show similarities and be prepared to present the clips and explanations to the class. Or write a fifth and/or sixth example of a connection.
Due Wednesday
Gnomeo and Juliet (redo of the whole play):
The movie Gnomeo and Juliet connects with Romeo and Juliet in many many ways.  (This would be the topic sentence of my paragraph where I explain the connections in detail)

It can also connect to just one aspect of the play: star-crossed love, family feud, hot-headed individuals, etc
Think about connecting plot points, characters, big ideas, etc.

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