Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tuesday, April 30 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: 10 Minutes Reading Time (choices: read what is assigned for Thursday, read your choice book if you don’t have yours yet)
Book Club binder section set up: big ideas, Quick Write/WN section
}WN: Brainstorm ideas for these questions: What is identity? To what extent do we determine our own identities? What influence does society have?
Identity Chart
“Stories We Tell Ourselves”
For question 3, consult your identity chart rather than make a new list, and then answer the questions based on your chart
When you finish the 4 questions (put with identity chart in your book club section of your binder); work on your research notes
}Research Time
Continue notes: if you aren’t sure what to take notes on these are the key terms to think of: ISSUE, IMPACT, IMPORTANCE –make sure to find as much in-depth info as you can to be an EXPERT on the issue you chose
Work time today, Wednesday, Thursday, by then you need to be prepared to make your video

Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday, April 29 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
If necessary (as in you don’t have 15 sources): Continue researching: you want a lot of different texts (articles, audio clips, video clips, pictures, etc) that show the importance of your theme/issue (you should be looking during your research for an issue/problem/negative situation connected to your theme)
Rubric (Ideas Part)
How to take notes
If a site doesn’t work for you, just mark it as such, don’t erase it
Copy/paste, write in own words, etc.
Keep track of what info comes from where
Copied pictures, graphs, etc count as notes too
Begin or continue notes, look on your rubric if you aren’t sure what to take notes on
Make sure you have images and possibly video clips to use in presentation
}You should have at least 1/4th of your notes done by end of class!
}Book Club Books: 10 min reading
Meet with partner/group after time to set up calendar and talk about expectations

Friday, April 26, 2019

Friday, April 26 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Get outline for essay out/print it out (do this quickly and quietly)
}My movie essay outline: “How-to” explanation of paragraph
}Essay Test: All essays must be done by the end of the block
Your essay should have either four paragraphs (2 body paragraphs with TIQA run twice) or six paragraphs (4 body paragraphs with TIQA run once)
Conclusion: Restated thesis and closure to overall idea
At the end of the block (when I ask) staple outline and paper to rubric to turn in (first folder in green crate)
}Research next step
Questions and Key Terms
8 Research questions with key terms highlighted
Should be done by end (at the latest)
Potential Sources (need at least 15, aim for more): These should be on the same document as the questions and key terms.  You need to start at EBSCOhost (use the link from Google Classroom)
Today’s goals:
Questions and Key Terms
Absolute minimum 15 potential sources (aim for more) by mid-block Monday
Videos, first person info, images, as well as articles
You should have at least 15 (hopefully closer to 20) potential sources by the middle of the block Monday
Continue researching: you want a lot of different texts (articles, audio clips, video clips, pictures, etc) that show the importance of your theme/issue (you should be looking during your research for an issue/problem/negative situation connected to your theme)
If you have 15-20 sources, start taking notes. Think about your research questions and your final goal, and take notes that help you achieve your purpose. Make sure that the sources you take notes on are reliable
}Your final goal is to present your findings to the class in a PSA video in order to give your peers an awareness of issues affecting teens in society today

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Thursday, April 25 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: “How To” questions and key terms for R&J Universal Theme/Social Issue Project
}Current Teen Issues in Romeo and Juliet Research:
Find your theme in the play (at least three pieces of textual evidence): due after 20-30 minutes
Issues tied to themes: Examples from last semester
8 Questions and key term highlighting (due end of block Friday)
}Research Time
Aim for 15-20 potential sources (due by end of class Monday)
Continue researching: you want a lot of different texts (articles, audio clips, video clips, pictures, etc) that show the importance of your theme/issue (you should be looking during your research for an issue/problem/negative situation connected to your theme)
}Book Club Assignments (bring the letter back to me ASAP)
Finishing Outline
You need to have a complete outline (intro, body, conclusion) done for tomorrow in order to be able to take the test!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wednesday, April 24 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Universal Big Idea: Love and Hate
Examples of themes/big ideas from sheet
Whole class example, then:
On the Big Idea sheet, write how you’ve seen the topics by turning them into themes.  Theme: big idea plus something about it/message (potential idea, combine big ideas together)
Brainstorm with partner, then small group to create a list of AT LEAST 9 (universal theme that is in Romeo and Juliet and is relevant to teens today): post to Schoology
How do each of the themes drive the characters and plot? (talk about this)
}R&J Universal Theme/Social Issue Project
Picking a theme and/or issue
}Creating an Outline for the essay –next slide
Time to work on BODY of outline
Check blog for helpful tips and links

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tuesday, April 23 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
}With partner, what are some things in Romeo and Juliet that people today still experience? What are some problems faced by teens in the play/ actions taken by people/ emotions of people/ reactions of people/ etc. that are experienced by teens today or can connect to things experienced by teens today? (Post this to my edublogs blog, need at least five things)
}Movie Essay Planning
Need 2 similarities, 2 differences and textual evidence for all 4 on the planning sheet (shared with you in Classroom as well as physical copy from class)
}Outline Notes: Craft lesson section
}Outline Template in Craft Section
}Finish Translation Test/Read Independent Book

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thursday, April 18 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: 15-20 Min Finish A5S3
Add to your “Who is Responsible?” and Big Ideas sheets
Read your independent book when you are done
}Discussion of A5S3
Who Is Responsible?
–brainstorm on your sheet
Who should be pardoned or punished? Why?
}Translation Practice then Answers
}Explain Book Speed Dating (picking a book for book clubs)
}Translation Test: turn in to first folder in green crate
When Done: Start reading through the summaries and examples of our book club book choices, make a list of preference; Read independent book, or continue looking at movie notes, isolating similarities and differences to use

Wednesday, April 17 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Act 4 Scene 4 (whole class)
}Act 4 scene 5 (reading on your own –use the book or the online text, read it (and listen if you want) but then if you are still confused, you can view the videos)
How do we see her ‘family’ truly loved her (find 1 piece of textual evidence for each)? Have these in notes, ready for me to check!
Lady Capulet, Lord Capulet, Nurse, Paris
Day Chart Check TODAY: Detailed Check of 4 to make sure you’re catching all you need to
Once I’ve checked your notes, read your independent book  
}Act 4 Scene 5 How do we see her family loved her? –discuss as class
}Act 5
Read 1 and 2 together as well as the beginning of 3, then you finish 3 on your own
use the book or the online text, read it (and listen if you want) but then if you are still confused, you can view the videos –take notes on important details (day chart)
Add to your “Who is Responsible?” and Big Ideas sheets
Read your independent book when you are done

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tuesday, April 16 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Old movie A3
}Read A4 Scene 1
Write down Friar Laurence’s plan for Juliet –see next slide
}A4 S2, 3
On day chart: what are the fears Juliet explains in her soliloquy?
}Reminder: Translation Test Thursday and Essay Test after Easter

Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday, April 12 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Read Act 3 Scenes 3, 4, and 5
Discuss Friar L’s plan (Act 3 Scene 3 day chart)
What does he tell Romeo to do? What does he say he’ll do? Lines 146-158 and 166-172
}A3S5: Fill out day chart (Tuesday = Scene 5)
}What does the Nurse tell Juliet to do? Why? (does the nurse think it’s the best?) What is Juliet’s response?
}Translation Practice (pairs translate 93-102 [], 116-123 [], 160-168 and 176-187 [], 188-196, and 213-226 [], 232-end [])
}If you finish the translation, fill out your day chart and then STUDY FOR THE QUIZ (it’s Monday) and then read your book
}Teen Non-Fiction Connection Post –Homework!
}Post directions on my edublogs blog
}Needs to be at least two paragraphs (aim for three)
}Must have specific textual evidence from the article

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday, April 10 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Grab Lit book, Take out ALL RJ notes (esp. movie and mood of A3S1)
}Viewing A3 Scenes 1 and 2
What details support each director’s choices as to how to portray the scene? What is the mood of the scenes? How is the mood accomplished?
}Discuss Portrayal and Evidence: Which portrayal is more accurate to the text/your interpretation of A3 S1 (mainly the first part [the fights/deaths])? Think of the mood as well as the events that happen. Why is the version you state more accurate?  Find at least one line to support, then write a TIQA paragraph to support your point/idea
}Assignment in Google Classroom -those who were gone today and didn't get the chance to watch this scene of the movie will make up this assignment later this week/next using a different scene in Act 3
Due TOMORROW!!! Finish at home if you don't finish in class
}TIQA ‘levels’ explanation
}When you finish typing your paragraph, read your book.
}Read Act 3 Scene 3

Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday, April 8 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: (10 min) Commenting on Book Post
}Collaborator plus one more (your choice)
}Commenting on Collaborator’s and one other’s Post (due by Wednesday)
}Directions and collaborator list on my edublogs page
}Finish viewing Act 2 Scenes 3-6 (new)
}Act 3 Scene 1
}Add to day chart (still Monday)
}FOURTH BLOCK: Who is Responsible Note sheet:  Fill out general ideas and details and then answer this: Is fate or are choices causing things to happen in the story? Why do you think that? What does Romeo think? What makes you say that? (pg997)
}FIRST BLOCK: Act 3 Scene 2 to line 85

Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday, April 5 Agenda

}Bell Ringer:**Independent Book Blogging: Based on your reading recently, you need to write a blog post (by beginning of block Monday) where you connect your book to EITHER Romeo and Juliet (any aspect) OR a different class that you have (topics, ideas, lessons, etc)
Independent Reading post due by beginning of block Monday (directions on my Edublogs blog)
}Act 2 Quiz
Read your book when you finish, or work on your blog post about your book

}Viewing Act 2 Scenes 3-6

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Thursday, April 4 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Writing our analysis of directors’ choices paragraphs
Assignment in Google Classroom
Turn in when done
}Act 2 Scenes rest of 4 - 6

Annotate: Fill out day chart while reading, take additional notes as we pause and discuss (You don’t have to write every little thing as long as you are paying attention and participating!!)
Act 2 Quiz Friday

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Wednesday, April 3 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: 10 min reading
}Analyzing Directors’ Choices
}In R&J notes: Which movie version matches your imagination (of Act 2 Scene 2) and why? Which version matches the mood or feeling of the scene best and why?
}Talk with partner about movie choices you like and don’t like: what makes you agree or disagree with the director?
}As we are annotating/taking notes today, pay attention to foreshadowing.  Make sure you have at least two annotations once we get to the end of the act. We know how the play ends, how is that hinted at in act 2?
}Act 2 Scenes 3-4 (as far as we can go)

Fill out day chart while reading, take additional notes (annotations) as we pause and discuss

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tuesday, April 2 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: New Seats:10 minutes Reading
–answer the question on Google Classroom for Independent Reading
}Discuss 9, 10, 11 Day Chart
}Add to Big Ideas sheet: love and death –examples from A2 S2
How can this be foreshadowing? 
}Add to notes sheet: who seems to be responsible for what’s going on so far? Discuss with partner as you add
}Discuss with partner and take notes: Why are Romeo and Juliet in such a rush to get married? Share with class
Discussion of Rush to Marry
}In R&J notes, write down what you feel the mood or tone of A2 S2 is in the book (the feeling, the emotion)
}Viewing A2S2
Continue thinking of the “Why” behind the directors’ choices while you take notes
What is the effect of the choices? What would the director want to be saying, implying?
Why does the new one choose to use the pool?

Discuss Sim and Diff

Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday, April 1 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Finish Viewing A1 S4/5
}Review Soliloquy and Aside
}Act 2 Scene 1 and 2
Fill out day chart (Early Monday morning but in the Sunday column): 9, 10, 11 (for plan, have DETAILS: start at line 142)
A2S2 Paraphrase (finish for Tuesday)
Comment approving

}Reading independent book