Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday, April 10 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Grab Lit book, Take out ALL RJ notes (esp. movie and mood of A3S1)
}Viewing A3 Scenes 1 and 2
What details support each director’s choices as to how to portray the scene? What is the mood of the scenes? How is the mood accomplished?
}Discuss Portrayal and Evidence: Which portrayal is more accurate to the text/your interpretation of A3 S1 (mainly the first part [the fights/deaths])? Think of the mood as well as the events that happen. Why is the version you state more accurate?  Find at least one line to support, then write a TIQA paragraph to support your point/idea
}Assignment in Google Classroom -those who were gone today and didn't get the chance to watch this scene of the movie will make up this assignment later this week/next using a different scene in Act 3
Due TOMORROW!!! Finish at home if you don't finish in class
}TIQA ‘levels’ explanation
}When you finish typing your paragraph, read your book.
}Read Act 3 Scene 3

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