Friday, May 24, 2019

Friday, May 23 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Summary vs. Analysis
Read through this.  Make sure to think about these ideas while writing/finishing your body paragraphs
}Writer’s Workshop (40 min)
Intro and conclusion notes (shared with you)
Whole paper rough draft done by Tuesday (if you get the intro and conclusion done today, great)
In-text citation, Intro, and Conclusion Reminders: Document shared with you
**If you have a first draft (at least all three body paragraphs) done, begin working on your intro and then conclusion.  If you are done with everything, start editing and revising your draft –upload what you have at the end of the block unless you are going to work on it after school
MLA format –you have a handout on this, make sure your paper follows it
}Epics: A long narrative poem recounting actions, travels, adventures, and heroic episodes (write this on your notes chart I gave you)
Based on the information you have read in the chart, brainstorm any stories, movies, books, etc that you know of that could fit into this definition (write these down on the same notes sheet)
}Using the ideas you just brainstormed, make a Quick Epic Poster –not quality art, just sketches and labels
With partner/group of three pick a book, movie, series, etc. that you both know and then create a poster that shows why you feel it is an epic by coming up with a detail from it to fit into each section from the epic notes sheet. 
For each category, write a few different ideas but choose one to illustrate (see example)
}More Writer’s Workshop –when you finish your poster
If your body paragraphs aren’t done, you need to work on them
Work on your intro and conclusion (full rough draft should be done by Tuesday)
You need a body draft uploaded to Turnitin ASAP (the earlier you do this, the more time you have for revisions)

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