Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday, Sept. 30 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: In your writer’s notebook: Is it (your story’s human experience and the details in general of your story (the characters, the plot, etc.) an American experience or an international experience/ universal? What makes you say this? Are there aspects that are primarily American? Are there aspects that apply to all humans?
}Comma Reminders
}Workshop Time
Revising  and Editing to next draft
Yellow= Something in Editing Section (Dialogue, fragment, verb tense), Comma Issues
Pink= Fluency, Sentence Structure (general), Other Basic Convention Issues
Six Errors Highlighted: if you want me to keep going, mark where I left off, and then ask me if I have a chance to continue reading for editing issues
If your paper is ‘done’ in your mind, have someone else read it, print it out, read it out loud quietly to self (check for fluency), self-edit, etc.

Work on: revise/edit/peer edit, work on draft, etc
Final Draft of Stories due TUESDAY!  We'll have 40 minutes of workshop time on Monday, but work on it over the weekend a bit!

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