Friday, November 8, 2019

Friday, Nov. 8 Agenda

  • Bell Ringer: Work on outline/paper
    • On Outline: Need thesis and at least three main ideas/points with three quotes (minimum) by 1:20 
    • Outline check: make sure you used the template in Classroom that is already shared with me
    • By 1:20 today, you should be done with your outline (or at least body paragraph portion) and starting to write your body paragraphs.  If you are at this point earlier, complete the rest of the outline (intro and conclusion) and then start the fourth and fifth steps (topic sentences and paragraphs (rough drafts))
  • Writer’s Workshop time: topic sentence and body paragraph reminders
    • Topic Sentences and body paragraphs 
    • In-text Citations: after every quote, no comma, period AFTER the citation NOT BEFORE!
    • Work time on Paper: first thing, write your thesis (revise it if necessary) as the first sentence on your draft
    • Body paragraphs rough draft due Tuesday end of work time at the latest
  • What’s New at the Library
    • 1:45

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