}Bell Ringer: WN:
Brainstorm ideas for these questions: What is identity? To what extent do we
determine our own identities? What influence does society have?
◦Identity Chart
◦“Stories We Tell Ourselves”
}Research Time
◦Continue notes, look on your rubric (IDEAS
section) if you aren’t sure what to take notes on
◦Ways to present: Web page, video, power
point with links, prezi, Thinglink, HaikuDeck, Picktochart
◦As you think of ways to present your
information, consider:
to include videos, audio, images
to keep class interested
you want them to think or do anything after seeing your presentation
◦Link to other ideas (sources) or include
the videos, pictures, etc in
the presentation
◦Work time today, Monday, some on Tuesday and
Wednesday, maybe some on Thursday, and the first presentations will be
Friday (lottery for
order Thursday)
}*Need ‘postits’ by Wednesday (the earlier the better): this
is how you keep track of what you read/ know/ learn/ should remember (can be
any strategy of close reading)
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