Monday, April 3, 2017

Monday, April 3 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Test Correcting (make sure you have a colorful writing utensil!!)
}Finish Viewing A3 S1 and 2
}Discuss Portrayal and Evidence: Which portrayal is more accurate to the text/your interpretation (A3S1)? Why?  Find at least one line to support
}Act 3 Scene 3
}Take out TIQA notes from Craft Lesson Section
}TIQA areas of improvement (add to TIQA notes sheet)
}HOW EXACTLY does your evidence prove what you say it does?
}Transition between examples
}Intro: context= who said it, when, to whom, where, etc
}No personal pronouns
}Mood Paragraphs (if you don’t have one, write one):
Once you receive someone else’s, label the parts (two different colors, underline and circle [or four colors])
Evaluate the level and explain why (you can annotate the paragraph and/or explain in sentence format)
Hand back to writer

Turn in your own when you get it back, if you disagree with the level, explain how it fits a different one. –read your AoW when you have turned the paragraph to me. AoW Close Read due Wednesday

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