}Bell Ringer: Finish notes from Lit
Book/Check of
“Shakespeare’s World” notes
}Shakespeare Intro:
The info from this, as well as the reading from earlier, can be used for the
quiz. Make sure each question has lots of details underneath. You don’t want one answer, you want lots of
ideas from different videos/article. The videos can answer multiple questions
and you will want to use info from multiple videos for each question
◦Extra Credit: Post a blog post on your
blog with a link to a video, set of pictures, or article you think helps give a
better understanding of Shakespeare or his influence or any of the other
questions. Along with the link, post
what you think can be learned from what you found.
◦When you have finished the note taking,
work on one of these things: your first draft of the Perspective Story, your AoW blog
post, read your own book
Shakespeare notes from reading and preview videos
group post on Schoology
}Homework: Finish craft draft (if not done yet; it will be
late if it is not complete by approx. 9:00 this evening); in order for me to read
your draft, it
must be uploaded to Turnitin
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