}Bell Ringer: Universal Big Idea: Love and Hate
◦Examples of themes/big ideas from sheet
◦Whole class example, then:
◦On the Big Idea sheet, write how you’ve seen the topics by turning them into themes. Theme: big idea plus something about it/message (potential idea, combine big ideas together)
◦Brainstorm with partner, then small group to create a list of AT LEAST 5 (universal theme that is in Romeo and Juliet and is relevant to teens today): post to Schoology
◦How do each of the themes drive the characters and plot? (talk about this)
}Theme Sharing
}Creating an Outline for the essay
◦Find the Planning Sheet
◦How to go from planning sheet to outline
◦You need to have your textual evidence picked out so you can make the outline. Grab a book or use online text (linked on my blog)
◦Outlining a paper (I=intro, II=body, III=conclusion)
◦Sample Outline
◦Four pieces of evidence by Monday! (and outline started (body section))
◦Look at example outlines on either blog (linked in the “Outlining for the Essay” post)
◦Compare your outline to mine, will yours help you to answer the question? Do you have in-text citations?
◦If you need a book, sign your name on the white board, or you could use the online text, which is linked on the right side of the agenda blog (or the scanned copies of the text which are in the English Resources link)
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