Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Wednesday, Nov. 8 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: In your RJ Notes section (on a new page), in a paragraph that follows the TIQA format (look at notes), prove the existence of the type of love you have picked: 
Remember, this is how you do an in-text citation for your quote: “Now art thou sociable, now art thou Romeo” (II, iv, 92-94).
When you finish, work on your post/read
}Paragraph check: Self Eval: Level and why; what would you do to increase your level towards exemplary? (write this on the bottom of your paragraph)
}Act 3 Scene 1
}Add to day chart (still Monday)
}Write this in your R&J Section (Use the tone and mood word sheet)
Mood: feeling the author creates for the reader.  Created with descriptive words, imagery and figurative language as well as the sound and rhythm of the words

What is the mood of A3S1? Brainstorm some reasons why -general


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