Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday, April 30 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Post-its (or another way) for close reading annotations: YOU NEED THEM ASAP!!
}To Kill a Mockingbird General Info:
Stereotype Video (linked in Schoology) -(while you watch video, I’ll check your WN entry from Friday)
Use questions to help take notes while watching: prepare to discuss tomorrow
}Online Survey: Go to my edublogs blog. Click on the link in post titled “To Kill a Mockingbird Big Ideas Survey”.  When you are done answering all questions, pick one of them and write your thoughts about it in your writer’s notebook (at least a paragraph).
Continue to work on project when done with video and survey (and paragraphs with survey)
}Presentation Work Time
Remember, you need images, videos, audio files, you don’t just want words on the screen
USE the RUBRIC to check if you are doing things correctly!!
Give credit to where your information comes from, also you need a works cited page
}TKaM: Great Depression and the South
KWL Chart (add to L after “Surviving the Dust Bowl”, FDR Inaugural Address, interviews, and images (we’ll do the interviews and images tomorrow)

While reading/viewing/hearing, think of these questions and close read to help answer: How did this resource help you understand factors that might influence the worldviews and choices of individuals who live in the world of Maycomb, Alabama, during the Great Depression {this is the setting of the book we will be starting tomorrow}? What insight does it give us on the characters and events we will encounter in the novel?

Close Read of the articles = HOMEWORK

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday, April 27 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: To Kill a Mockingbird
}“Stories We Tell Ourselves” Small Group
}In group, one needs computer: Go to TKaM folder in Schoology, follow directions
Pivotal Moments
Under your identity chart from yesterday, brainstorm a list of moments, events, ideas, etc that you feel have been important in your life
Pick the 2 that you feel are the most pivotal (a turning point to who you are today): one that is within your control, one that was not
}WN Entry: Patterns in the world:
}“We all know we are unique individuals, but we tend to see others as representatives of groups. It’s a natural tendency, since we must see the world in patterns in order to make sense of it; we wouldn’t be able to deal with the daily onslaught of people and objects if we couldn’t predict a lot about them and feel that we know who or what they are.”     -Deborah Tannen

}Respond to this: Do you agree? Why yes/no? What parts? What is the benefit of looking for patterns? What gets lost when we view the world like this? When is it harmful or offensive to see others as representatives of groups?       2 paragraphs           -when done, continue with notes
}Research/Project work time
Tying Romeo and Juliet into presentation
You have your three pieces of textual evidence, somehow work them into your presentation
Needs to logically work, needs to flow with what you are including from your research
Works Cited Page (due when you present)
Remember, you need images, videos, audio files, you don’t just want words on the screen
USE the RUBRIC to check if you are doing things correctly!!

}Blog Comment Responses

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday, April 26 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: WN: Brainstorm ideas for these questions: What is identity? To what extent do we determine our own identities? What influence does society have?
Identity Chart
“Stories We Tell Ourselves”
}Research Time
Continue notes, look on your rubric (IDEAS section) if you aren’t sure what to take notes on
Ways to present: Web page, video, power point with links, prezi, Thinglink, HaikuDeck, Piktochart
As you think of ways to present your information, consider:
Ways to include videos, audio, images
How to keep class interested
Do you want them to think or do anything after seeing your presentation
Link to other ideas (sources) or include the videos, pictures, etc in the presentation
Work time today, Monday, some on Tuesday and Wednesday, maybe some on Thursday, and the first presentations will be Monday (lottery for order Thursday)
}*Need ‘postits’ by Monday (the earlier the better): this is how you keep track of what you read/ know/ learn/ should remember (can be any strategy of close reading)

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday, April 25 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
How to take notes
If a site doesn’t work for you, just mark it as such, don’t erase it
Copy/paste, write in own words, etc.
Keep track of what info comes from where
Copied pictures, graphs, etc count as notes too
Begin or continue notes, look on your rubric if you aren’t sure what to take notes on
Make sure you have images and possibly video clips to use in presentation
}You should have at least half of your notes done by end of class!
}Mid-point of class: SSR Post commenting
Find the commenting collaborator list (updated) and comment on their blog post and one other of your choosing
Make sure that you are connecting your theme/issue to theirs (it can be similarities, differences, etc)

Make meaningful comments, discussing the IDEAS of their post, not the conventions and/or other surface level stuff.  Ask questions, make connections, etc.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tuesday, April 24 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Get outline for essay out/print it out (do this quickly and quietly)
}My movie essay outline: “How-to” explanation of paragraph (also look through the paragraphs handed back to you)
}Essay Test: staple outline and paper to rubric to turn in (first folder in green crate)
All essays must be done by the end of the block
Your essay should have either four paragraphs (2 body paragraphs with TIQA run twice) or six paragraphs (4 body paragraphs with TIQA run once)
}SSR Post: Up by tomorrow; beginning of class. 
Three paragraphs, RESPONSE not summary, connecting in at least one paragraph to your universal theme/big idea
}Research next step
You should have at least 15 (hopefully closer to 20) potential sources

If necessary: Continue researching: you want a lot of different texts (articles, audio clips, video clips, pictures, etc) that show the importance of your theme/issue (you should be looking during your research for an issue/problem/negative situation connected to your theme)

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday, April 23 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Finishing Outline
}Current Teen Issues in Romeo and Juliet Research:
Issues tied to themes: Examples from last semester
Textual Evidence (at least three)
Should be done
Questions and Key Terms (shared with me through Google Drive)
Should be done after 10 minutes
Potential Sources (need at least 15, aim for more): These should be on the same document as the questions and key terms
Today’s goals (3rd red dot due by the beginning of class Tuesday):
Textual Evidence (3) of theme in play
Questions and Key Terms
Absolute minimum 15 potential sources (aim for more)
Videos, first person info, images, as well as articles
}Research Time
Aim for 15-20 potential sources (due by beginning of class tomorrow)
Continue researching: you want a lot of different texts (articles, audio clips, video clips, pictures, etc) that show the importance of your theme/issue (you should be looking during your research for an issue/problem/negative situation connected to your theme)
}Make sure you are reading your independent book, you will need to post to your blog by Wednesday beginning of block:

In a blog post, write a three paragraph SSR post, reacting to your book (NOT SUMMARIZING WHAT YOU READ), where at least one paragraph connects your book to your universal theme, big idea, and/or issue that you are researching

Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday, April 20 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Take out TIQA notes from Craft Lesson Section
}TIQA areas of improvement (add to TIQA notes sheet) –}HOW EXACTLY does your evidence prove what you say it does?
}Transition between examples
}Intro: context= who said it, when, to whom, where, etc
}No personal pronouns (I, me, you, we, etc.)
}In-text citations are a must (no period before them)
}Keep the order (your analysis MUST go after the quote, not before)
}Find your “Who is Responsible?” outline
}Outline to Essay
Writing a body paragraph from an outline (Who is Responsible outline)
I do then you do
Check partner’s paragraph, offer suggestions/assistance/praise
Get out YOUR Outline for the movie essay
Mrs. Johnson checks body of outline
Is your outline ready to write an essay Monday? If so, read your book; if not, work on your outline
}Universal Themes/Topic
Brainstorm with partner, then small group to create a list of AT LEAST 9 (universal theme that is in Romeo and Juliet and is relevant to teens today): post to Schoology
How do each of the themes drive the characters and plot? (talk about this)
Read what is posted to Schoology
}“How To” questions and key terms for R&J Universal Theme/Social Issue Project
}Universal Theme
}At least three lines from the play that show your theme (aim for more if possible)
}Create some questions that will guide your research: I ask, how is your theme relevant to teens in today?  You need to research this, so what are some questions or key words that you will use to research? (Bold these words/phrases in the questions)
}Begin researching: you want a lot of different texts (articles, audio clips, video clips, pictures, etc) that show the importance of your theme/issue (you should be looking during your research for an issue/problem/negative situation connected to your theme)
}Your final goal is to present your findings to the class in order to give your peers an awareness of issues affecting teens in society today
}Current Teen Issues in Romeo and Juliet
Find your theme in the play (at least three pieces of textual evidence): due after 20-30 minutes

8 Research questions with key terms highlighted (due MONDAY)

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday, April 19 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Creating an Outline for the essay –next slide
}Outline Discussion (?)
Time to work on BODY of outline -due beginning of class tomorrow!
Check blog for helpful tips and links
}Essay portion of the test on Monday
}OUTLINE due middle of class tomorrow
}Universal Big Idea: Love and Hate
Examples of themes/big ideas from sheet
Whole class example, then:

On the Big Idea sheet, write how you’ve seen the topics by turning them into themes.  Theme: big idea plus something about it/message (potential idea, combine big ideas together) 

Outlining Overview for the Essay Test

Once you have picked your scene, characterization, event, relationship, etc from the text and movie versions of Romeo and Juliet, you need to establish what specific similarities and differences you are going to be analyzing. (All of this is explained on the assignment sheet you should have, if you don't, here is a link to it)

You should look for at least two specific similarities and two specific differences.  These could be between two versions or among all three.

Once you know the similarities and differences you want to focus on, you are going to think about why the directors chose to keep them similar or to change.  For this, think about the impact of the choice made by the director, what came before the choice and what comes after it.

With the 'why' in mind, you are going to find textual evidence from Shakespeare's text to support why you believe the directors made the choices that they did.  With all of this in your head/in your notes, you are ready to make an outline for your essay.

You will follow the Outline template that I handed out to you, where I. is introduction, II. is body, and III. is conclusion.  Your first step is to organize your ideas.  Are you going to write about similarities in one section and then differences in another, or are there other logical ways to organize your ideas. 
This link will take you to an outline organized by similarities and differences.  This link will take you to an outline organized by big ideas (that link actually has two outlines, they are both the same material, but organized in two different ways.  The first one is the similarity/diff way, the second is the main point way.).

Once you have figured out how you are organizing it, put your information that you have (similarities, textual evidence to support, differences, textual evidence to support) into the outline.

By Friday the 19th you should have a first draft outline for me to check so that we can work on it and prepare for the essay portion of the test, which is on Monday (4/23).

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday, April 18 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Who is Responsible Outline (first block)/ Translation answer check (fourth block)
}Translation Test: turn in to first folder in green crate
When Done: Read independent book, finish “Who is Responsible” Outline or continue looking at movie notes, isolating similarities and differences to use
}Universal Big Idea: Love and Hate (4th block)
Examples of themes/big ideas from sheet

Whole class example, then:

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday, April 17 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Finish Act 5 Scene 3
}Who Is Responsible?
brainstorm on your sheet
Who should be pardoned or punished? What type of punishment? What extent?
}Translation Practice
}When you finish, check the side notes in the book (page 1045?), then read your independent book while waiting
}Check Translation Practice with Partner
}Translation Practice Answers TRANSLATION TEST TOMORROW!!
}Outline Notes: Craft lesson section
}Outline Template in Craft Section

}Outline from brainstorming and organizing of “Who is Responsible” –will be checked tomorrow

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday, April 13 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Act 4, scenes 4, 5
How do we see her ‘family’ truly loved her (find 2 pieces of textual evidence for each)?
Lady Capulet, Lord Capulet, Nurse, Paris
Day Chart Check tomorrow: Detailed Check of 4 to make sure you’re catching all you need to
}Act 4 Scene 5 Discussion
}Act 5: EVERYONE has to act in Act 5!!

}Reminder: Translation and Essay Test next week!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thursday, April 12

}Bell Ringer: Read A4 Scene 1
Write down Friar Laurence’s plan for Juliet –see next slide
}A4 S2 and 3
On day chart: what are the fears Juliet explains in her soliloquy?
}AoW Discussion (continued): Teens and RJ Connection Post
}With your partner, find at least two posts with different points than one or both of you made (you can look in both blocks)
}Comment on those (each of you writes one) with thoughts about their point (what can you add to their idea, how does it compare to yours, etc). If you can’t find something completely different, add on to someone’s idea with your connection (add more detail, explanation, etc)
With partner, what are some things in Romeo and Juliet that people today still experience? What are some problems faced by teens in the play/ actions taken by people/ emotions of people/ reactions of people/ etc. that are experienced by teens today or can connect to things experienced by teens today? (Post this to Schoology, need at least five things)

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday, April 11 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Version of Source Text Analysis: Answer these questions:
What is an important scene, characterization, etc. in all three versions we ‘experienced’ where choices were made concerning what to keep the same and what to change? What are the most important similarities or differences and what textual evidence can you use to support the choices made by the directors?
}Continue the process of weeding through notes from the movies, focusing on one scene (or character, or relationship) in all three versions (mediums)
}Continue Viewing A3 S3-5
}Teen Non-Fiction Connection Post
}Discuss your close read annotations with your partner
}Post directions on my edublogs blog

}Needs to be at least two paragraphs (aim for three)

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tuesday, April 10 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Translation Practice (pairs translate 93-102 [McKenzie and Christian; Trevor and Kiara], 116-123 [Tyler and Destany], 160-168 [Nicole and Cali], 177-187 [Victoria and Tessa], 188-196 [Sterling and Justin], 213-226 [Christian and John; Emma and Riley], 232-end [Robens and Jared])
}If you finish the translation, fill out your day chart and then STUDY FOR THE QUIZ (it’s today) and then read your article or book
}Share Translations: 93-102, 116-123, 160-168, 177-187, 188-196, 213-226, 232-end (check my blogging blog for answers after all have shared)
}Act 3 Quiz: turn in to stool when done and read through your comments on your blog (replying when needed).  Then read your book (or finish your annotations on the AoW if you aren’t done)
AoW Close Read due Wednesday
}Discuss Essay (Versions of Source Text Analysis)
What is an important scene, characterization, relationship, etc. in all three versions we ‘experienced’ where choices were made concerning what to keep the same and what to change?
What are the most important similarities or differences and what textual evidence can you use to support the choices made by the directors?

}Begin viewing A3 S3-5 (old)

Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday, April 9 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
}Read Act 3 Scenes 3, 4, and 5
Discuss Friar L’s plan (Act 3 Scene 3 day chart)
What does he tell Romeo to do? What does he say he’ll do? Lines 146-158 and 166-172
}Fill out day chart (Tuesday = Scene 5)
}What does the Nurse tell Juliet to do? Why? (does the nurse think it’s the best?) What is Juliet’s response?
}AoW: Teens Today and Romeo and Juliet
}Annotate as the directions on the top tell you. Close read due Wednesday!
}Act 3 Quiz tomorrow!


Friday, April 6, 2018

Friday, April 6 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Viewing A3 Scenes 1 and 2
What details support each director’s choices as to how to portray the scene? What is the mood of the scenes? How is the mood accomplished?
}Discuss Portrayal and Evidence: Which portrayal is more accurate to the text/your interpretation of A3 S1 (mainly the first part [the fights/deaths])? Think of the mood or the events that happen. Why is that more accurate?  Find at least one line to support, then write a TIQA paragraph to support your point/idea (remember levels).
}When you finish typing your paragraph, look at your blog and approve/respond to comments on your SSR post that connected what you are reading to Romeo and Juliet
}Commenting on SSR Post assignment
}New collaborator plus one more (your choice)

}Commenting on Collaborator’s and one other’s SSR Post (due by Monday)

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Thursday, April 5 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Finish A3 S1
}Write this in your R&J Notes (Use the tone and mood word sheet)
Mood: feeling the author creates for the reader.  Created with descriptive words, imagery and figurative language as well as the sound and rhythm of the words
What is the mood of A3S1? Brainstorm some reasons why -general
}Act 3 Scene 2
}Big Idea Sheet: Add more/details to show those already listed
}Who is Responsible Note sheet:  Fill out general ideas and details and then answer this: Is fate or are choices causing things to happen in the story? Why do you think that? What does Romeo think? What makes you say that? (pg997)
}Independent Reading post due by beginning of block tomorrow (directions on my Edublogs blog)

}Viewing A3 Scenes 1