}Bell Ringer: Read A4 Scene 1
◦Write down Friar Laurence’s plan for Juliet –see next slide
}A4 S2 and 3
◦On day chart: what are the fears Juliet explains in her soliloquy?
}AoW Discussion (continued): Teens and RJ Connection Post
}With your partner, find at least two posts with different points than one or both of you made (you can look in both blocks)
}Comment on those (each of you writes one) with thoughts about their point (what can you add to their idea, how does it compare to yours, etc). If you can’t find something completely different, add on to someone’s idea with your connection (add more detail, explanation, etc)
With partner, what are some things in Romeo and Juliet that people today still experience? What are some problems faced by teens in the play/ actions taken by people/ emotions of people/ reactions of people/ etc. that are experienced by teens today or can connect to things experienced by teens today? (Post this to Schoology, need at least five things)
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