}Bell Ringer: Post-its (or another way) for close reading annotations: YOU NEED THEM ASAP!!
}To Kill a Mockingbird General Info:
◦Stereotype Video (linked in Schoology) -(while you watch video, I’ll check your WN entry from Friday)
◦Use questions to help take notes while watching: prepare to discuss tomorrow
}Online Survey: Go to my edublogs blog. Click on the link in post titled “To Kill a Mockingbird Big Ideas Survey”. When you are done answering all questions, pick one of them and write your thoughts about it in your writer’s notebook (at least a paragraph).
◦Continue to work on project when done with video and survey (and paragraphs with survey)
}Presentation Work Time
◦Remember, you need images, videos, audio files, you don’t just want words on the screen
◦USE the RUBRIC to check if you are doing things correctly!!
◦Give credit to where your information comes from, also you need a works cited page
}TKaM: Great Depression and the South
◦KWL Chart (add to L after “Surviving the Dust Bowl”, FDR Inaugural Address, interviews, and images (we’ll do the interviews and images tomorrow)
While reading/viewing/hearing, think of these questions and close read to help answer: How did this resource help you understand factors that might influence the worldviews and choices of individuals who live in the world of Maycomb, Alabama, during the Great Depression {this is the setting of the book we will be starting tomorrow}? What insight does it give us on the characters and events we will encounter in the novel?
Close Read of the articles = HOMEWORK
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