Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday, Jan. 31 Agenda

First Block:
}Bell Ringer: Prefixes
}New Endings:
Read through, answer three questions at the end of their story
1) What was your favorite phrase/sentence/image? Why?
2) What could they have done to make their writing stronger?
3) What was the biggest similarity OR difference between their story and yours?
Hand it back to them and then do the next two bullets:
}In writer’s notebook: Perfectionism: What are the pros and cons of having everything perfect in order to be happy (perfectionism)? Is striving for perfection ever helpful or necessary? When would it be difficult to be a perfectionist?
}In Reader’s Notebook/Class Notes (Short Story) section:
Character Traits and Character Motivation: Definitions and details from pgs 188 and 190
Definition of Dynamic Character from maroon glossary
Read your book/make sure your SSR letter is done when you are done with everything above
}Set up Turnitin (Feedback Studio)
Class ID:17372642   Enrollment Key: Eng9Sp181
}Create English Class Blog: Go to:, follow directions shared with you in Drive

}Setting up Schoology and Discussion: Access Code: 69SCG-H2CP4

Fourth Block:
}Bell Ringer: Prefixes
}Finish sharing poems
}New Endings:
Read through, answer three questions at the end of their story
1) What was your favorite phrase/sentence/image? Why?
2) What could they have done to make their writing stronger?
3) What was the biggest similarity OR difference between their story and yours?
Hand it back to them and then make sure your SSR letter is complete/read your book for a bit:
}Set up Turnitin (Feedback Studio)
Class ID: 17372653     Enrollment Key: Eng9Sp182
}Create English Class Blog: Go to:, follow directions shared with you in Drive

}Setting up Schoology and Discussion: Access Code: ZZJ9G-WTQWQ

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tuesday, Jan. 30 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Go to your Editing Section (independent clauses)
}Discuss with your neighbor your ideas about “Sound of Thunder” esp. the end: What could the end mean? (safety off, sound of thunder) How else could it have ended?
Collect Plot Chart
}Another author’s version - Did this version make the changes you would have?
What source details?
How interpreted/transformed?
}Discuss the new version
}Write new version of ending (one page minimum, first sentence or two textual evidence, your complete/full version due tomorrow
}Share Poems

}Due Tomorrow: One Page New Ending SoT; SSR Letter

Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday, Jan. 26 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Grab an orange and black Literature book
}Intro to Short Story Unit: Vocab
Orange book, pg 24 as well as maroon glossary in back of book: take notes
}Writer’s Workshop Time
}Short Stories: Focus #1: Plot and Sequencing
Short Story Words: create group note sheet while discussing terms (print out, put in your Reader’s Notebook/Class Notes section)
}“Sound of Thunder” pg 34
Fill out plot chart while reading
Final Version of poem (creatively put together –show who you are with how you ‘present’ the poem) due Monday.
Everyone will read (or I will read for you) at least five stanzas of the poem

Use the rubric to make sure you have done the best you can

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Thursday, Jan. 25 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: In your craft lesson section, list the five senses.
}Word Choice and Sensory Images
Notes in the Craft Lesson section
Writing the Senses activity in WN
}Writer’s Workshop
Editing the I Am From Poem
Add descriptions or words that make readers hear/see/feel/smell/taste what you are writing about (SENSORY IMAGES!)
Line breaks
Work Time
Final Version of poem (creatively put together –show who you are with how you ‘present’ the poem) due Monday
At least five stanzas of all poems will be read aloud Monday
}Terms for English

Go to READER’S NOTEBOOK:  Define Inference, Explicit, Analysis/Analyze, Textual Evidence

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday, Jan. 24 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Prefixes – take out a blank sheet of paper, write the phrase Prefix/Suffix/Root Section in top margin
What are word parts? Why study/memorize them?
}Binder Division
}SSR Letter Expectations and How To
Start the first letter (keep in Reader’s notebook section)
First letter due Wednesday
}What is an SSR letter?
Letter format
Title, author and pages read listed in top margin
Three good sized paragraphs
}SSR writing USUALLY due Friday (Most weeks, this first week it will be on WEDNESDAY) (SSR time/read at home)
}We will also have other types of SSR responses through the semester
}Syllabus and Procedures not covered Tues.
Bring the bottom part signed ASAP!
}I Am From Poem
oPutting your info into poem format
oWriter’s Workshop (check brainstorming)
oWork time
oWrite your first draft: due tomorrow
oIf you finish before the end of the block, show me the draft, then either work on making it stronger or reading your book

oMinimum of five stanzas that are at least 3 lines long; each stanza starts with “I am from…”

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

NEW SEMESTER!! Tuesday, Jan. 23 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Find Seat: chart on stool
}Expectations and Procedures
}Practice Bell Ringer:  Writer’s Notebook: What are things you feel comfortable with related to reading, writing, speaking, and listening? What are things related to these ideas that you struggle with?
üWrite in your writer’s notebook for the entire time you are given (about 5 minutes)
üI will be walking around checking for length and effort
üWe may share after the 5 minutes
}Finish up Expectations/Procedures
}Library- 10 min- You NEED a book by tomorrow (Thursday at the latest)!
}I Am From Poem –brainstorm due tomorrow (three in each section)
o  Brainstorm

oHomework: Reading your independent book; brainstorm (at least 18 different points/ideas/things written down)

Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday, Jan. 19 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Correct Word Part Test (own test, only with marker)
}Writer’s Workshop time
Paper needs to be printed out, DOUBLE-SPACED, two sided, rubric paper clipped to front, work cited page is last page
Paper collected at:   (40 min)
}Epic Poster finishing (if you are sure your paper is the best work you’ve done in writing, you can work on the poster early)

}Poster Presenting

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Thursday, Jan. 18 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Final 5 minutes study time/upload draft for peer revision
}Word Part Test
}Writer’s Workshop
Start peer revision if choosing to use this opportunity
Finish rough draft (if you still haven’t)
Revise and edit your own work (can be based on peer revision)
Meet w/ me about summary vs. analysis highlighting
Work on making this the best thing you’ve written
We will have 40 minutes of work time on the paper tomorrow
You need to aim for 30% summary/textual evidence and 70% analysis and original opinion/thought
Peer revision on Turnitin
Works Cited page reminder (only one entry –the book)
Conferring –if you need to confer with me and already have, we can. If you haven’t met with me about summary vs analysis, you MUST
Peer-edit with someone you trust
Use the rubric to see if you have all of the necessary information
Revising Ideas:
Print out your draft, read the last sentence first, then the second to last, and so on.  This allows you to focus on the structure of the sentence rather than the content of information.
Share your document with a peer you trust, have them comment on it.
Write your thesis next to each chunk of analysis, helping you make sure that the analysis is directly related to your thesis.
}Paper needs to be printed out, DOUBLE-SPACED, rubric paper clipped to front, work cited page is last page (end of the block on FRIDAY)

}Epic Poster work time

}Epic Poster Presentations tomorrow

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wednesday, Jan. 17 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Word Part study time TEST IS TOMORROW!!
}Writer’s Workshop:
Stronger analysis examples
If your body paragraphs aren’t done, you need to work on them
If your intro isn’t done, you need to work on it
Work on your conclusion (full rough draft should be done at the minimum)
Summary vs. Analysis Highlighting
print out body paragraphs and highlight for your conference with me (use 2 different color highlighters, one for summary and one for analysis, use the sheet you got Monday to help you determine the difference)
}Epics: A long narrative poem recounting actions, travels, adventures, and heroic episodes (write this on your notes chart I gave you)
}Based on the information you have read in the chart, brainstorm any stories, movies, books, etc that you know of that could fit into this definition (write these down on the same notes sheet)
}Epic Poster Creation (35ish min)
Epic Poster Presentation on Thursday/Friday
}Writer’s Workshop:
Conferences on summary vs. analysis

If you want to do a peer revision, upload it to the peer revision assignment in Turnitin by 12:00 tomorrow

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Tuesday, Jan. 16 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Prefix and Suffix list
}Responses to Mockingbird” Discussion and Writing (see next slide) –consult rubric while writing; staple to paragraph(s) and turn in to stool.  THIS MUST COME IN TO ME IN ORDER TO PASS ENGLISH 9
}Writer’s Workshop (30 min)
In-text citations and introductions; Intro rough draft done by should be done
Intro and Conclusion Reminders: Document shared with you
**If you have a first draft (at least all three body paragraphs) done, begin working on your intro and then conclusion.  If you are done with everything, start editing and revising your draft
MLA format –you have a handout on this, make sure your paper follows it
Highlighting for summary and analysis: print out body paragraphs and highlight for your conference with me (use 2 different color highlighters, one for summary and one for analysis, use the sheet you got Monday to help you determine the difference)
If your body paragraphs aren’t done, you need to work on them
If your intro isn’t done, you need to work on it

Work on your conclusion (full rough draft should be done by end of block

Monday, January 15, 2018

Monday, Jan. 15 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Study Word Parts (Roots list, prefix/suffix list): Test Thursday
}Summary vs. Analysis
}Writer’s Workshop (20 min)
Intro and conclusion notes (shared with you) –rough drafts of intro and conclusion due Tuesday middle of time
}Article 2 check
Discuss with partner both summary and response (check for all parts)
Turn in to me when done and work on body paragraphs/revising/intro
}Responses to Mockingbird” Discussion and Writing
Close Read the account that matches the number with your name on the board
What does the account focus on/emphasize (and what is it about/PoV/etc)
What is the response missing? What are ideas that it isn’t mentioning/thinking about/bringing up?
What in it connects to or contrasts with your response to the book or opinions
When you are done, read your Turnitin comments (if you have them, and if not, upload your body paragraphs rough draft), then work on revising and writing an intro and conclusion

More Writer’s Workshop

Friday, January 12, 2018

Friday, Jan. 12 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Final Slide of Word Parts
}Writer’s Workshop time: topic sentence and body paragraph practice
Outline check: make sure it is shared with me
Topic Sentences and body paragraphs –on the shared document
In-text Citations: after every quote, no comma, period AFTER the citation NOT BEFORE!
Work time on Paper: first thing, write your thesis (revise it if necessary) as the first sentence on your draft

Body paragraphs rough draft due Sunday –if possible, otherwise beginning of block Monday (UPLOADED TO TURNITIN!!!)

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wednesday, Jan. 10 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Suffixes (ic, ly, ly)
}Critique of TKaM: Article 2
While reading, close read (highlight/comment) what needs to be in summary, what you want to respond to
Article 2 Response
One paragraph summary and one paragraph response (on own) with FANTASTIC TOPIC SENTENCES: author, article title, topic of article (for summary)
Article summary and response (1 para each) due tomorrow
}Outline Review: Outline is due beginning of tomorrow
Main Ideas
Textual Evidence to fit
}Work on paper
Textual Evidence: 3-6 final, continue finding as many as you can to start, then begin to narrow:
Things that can be ANALYZED –they don’t say EXACTLY what you are trying to say, but you read between the lines and infer and interpret to get to proving your thesis (you may even think of modifying your thesis after you have finalized your pieces of evidence)
On Outline: Need thesis and at least three main ideas/points with three quotes (minimum) by end of block (beginning of tomorrow at latest)
By tomorrow, you should be done with your outline (or at least body paragraph portion) and starting to write your body paragraphs.  If you are at this point earlier, complete the rest of the outline (intro and conclusion) and then start the fourth and fifth steps (topic sentences and paragraphs (rough drafts))

}Article 2 check tomorrow

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tuesday, Jan. 9

}Bell Ringer: Formative Experiences:
Formative Experiences: what are they?
On your blog, write a bit about these questions:
What are some formative experiences in the novel for Jem and Scout?
How did they help form their identity at the end of the book (do you think)?
What are some lessons they will take away from these different formative experiences? (specifically the trial and aftermath)
}Thesis question (form): Go to Schoology. Click on the link in the TKaM folder (last post); answer that question. Then read your commenting collaborator’s post on formative experiences and comment on theirs and one other person’s
}Analysis paper assignment –a THEME connected to: any focus question more in depth, any idea examined by us as a group or you as an individual, any quote, life lesson, real world parallel, etc
What is a theme?
Textual Evidence: 3-6 final, find as many as you can now
Things that can be ANALYZED –they don’t say EXACTLY what you are trying to say, but you read between the lines and infer and interpret to get to proving your thesis
Thesis (rough draft) –checked in class
POTENTIAL PIECES OF TEXTUAL EVIDENCE (2-3x more than minimum expectations of evidence)
Start outline?

Comments if not done

Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday, Jan. 8 Agenda

}Bell Ringer: Roots
}Summary of Article 1: check through yours vs. mine
}Create an in-depth question on the book as a whole: (should be something that would take at least a paragraph or so to answer)
Post your individual overall story discussion question to Schoology
}Small Group on the end of the book, themes, questions
Make sure your group posts as much as possible on posters to cover all details of the focus points from the end of the story
Question sheet: don’t need complete sentences, but jot down big insights/answers to help for large group discussion
}Online Discussion
Answer someone else’s question (at least a paragraph in length, try for a good topic sentence)

}Homework: Schoology question (Answer the one below yours; make sure your answer is a solid paragraph long); questions 6, 7, 8 on the sheet